#k8s #kube #file-copy #configmap

app configurr

Simple k8s watcher to copy a file into a configmap

1 stable release

1.0.0 Aug 5, 2023

#5 in #kube


95 lines


A simple, lightweight project for when you want to violate one of the core principles of k8s.

What? ConfigMaps are supposed to be read only from the data plane? Nonsense.

This container will check a file for changes, then push them to a ConfigMap. It's designed to be run as a sidecar container in an existing pod.


I really wanted wireguard-ui to be able to configure identical wireguard instances deployed for my entire cluster. I used Reloader to propagate configmap changes to wireguard pod restarts, and then created this project to forward a PVC file change to the configmap.

Example Deployment

Check out the examples dir for a deployment example.

The docker image is publicly published at protryon/configurr:1.0.0.


~1M SLoC