#color-conversion #color #rgb #conversion #hsl #convert #color-names


A simple and basic color conversion and manipulation library

2 releases

0.1.1 Aug 19, 2020
0.1.0 Aug 19, 2020

#496 in GUI

MIT license

995 lines


A rust crate for simple color conversion and manipulation.


  • Color Spaces + Conversion
    • RGB
    • HSL
    • HSV
    • XYZ
    • Lab
  • Color Operations
    • Basic operations on spaces (lightness, saturation, greyscale etc.)
    • Mixing and mixing modes
  • Color Parsing & Output
    • Hex & Integer (RGB)
    • Function Expressions
    • CSS Compatible output
  • Color List (over 800 named color constants)


Add the following to your [dependencies] in Cargo.toml

colori = "0.1"


Data structures for different color spaces

use colori::{RgbColor, HslColor};

let rgb = RgbColor(255, 0, 80);
rgb.red()    // 255
rgb.green()  // 0
rgb.blue()   // 80

let hsl = HslColor(0.5, 0.4, 1.0);
hsl.hue();       // 0.5
hsl.hue_deg()    // 180
hsl.lightness()  // 0.4
hsl.saturation() // 1.0

Convert different color spaces into each other

use colori::{RgbColor, HslColor};

let hsl: HslColor = RgbColor(255, 0, 0).into();

let rgb: RgbColor = HslColor(0.5, 0.4, 1.0).into();

Access a list of over 800 defined color constants

use colori::{Color};

let rgb = Color::UNITED_NATIONS_BLUE;

println!("R: {}, G: {}, B: {}", rgb.red(), rgb.green(), rgb.blue());

No runtime deps