Cargo Features

coins-bip39 = { version = "0.8.7", default-features = false, features = ["all-langs", "chinese-simplified", "chinese-traditional", "czech", "english", "french", "italian", "japanese", "korean", "portuguese", "spanish"] }
default = all-langs

The all-langs feature is set by default whenever coins-bip39 is added without default-features = false somewhere in the dependency tree.

all-langs default = chinese-simplified, chinese-traditional, czech, english, french, italian, japanese, korean, portuguese, spanish
chinese-simplified all-langs

Enables once_cell

used by all wordlists

Affects wordlist::chinese_simplified

chinese-traditional all-langs

Enables once_cell

Affects wordlist::chinese_traditional

czech all-langs

Enables once_cell

Affects wordlist::czech

english all-langs

Enables once_cell

Affects wordlist::english

french all-langs

Enables once_cell

Affects wordlist::french

italian all-langs

Enables once_cell

Affects wordlist::italian

japanese all-langs

Enables once_cell

Affects wordlist::japanese

korean all-langs

Enables once_cell

Affects wordlist::korean

portuguese all-langs

Enables once_cell

Affects wordlist::portuguese

spanish all-langs

Enables once_cell

Affects wordlist::spanish