1 stable release
1.0.0 | Sep 11, 2024 |
#8 in #openapitools
Rust API client for codexsdk
No description provided (generated by Openapi Generator https://github.com/openapitools/openapi-generator)
This API client was generated by the OpenAPI Generator project. By using the openapi-spec from a remote server, you can easily generate an API client.
- API version: 1.0.0
- Package version: 1.0.0
- Generator version: 7.5.0
- Build package:
Put the package under your project folder in a directory named codexsdk
and add the following to Cargo.toml
under [dependencies]
codexsdk = { path = "./codexsdk" }
Documentation for API Endpoints
All URIs are relative to https://beta.usemoon.ai
Class | Method | HTTP request | Description |
AccountsApi | broadcast_tx | POST /accounts/{accountName}/broadcast-tx | |
AccountsApi | create_account | POST /accounts | |
AccountsApi | delete_account | DELETE /accounts/{accountName} | |
AccountsApi | deploy_contract | POST /accounts/{accountName}/deploy | |
AccountsApi | encode_data | POST /accounts/encode-data | |
AccountsApi | estimate_gas | POST /accounts/{accountName}/estimate | |
AccountsApi | get_account | GET /accounts/{accountName} | |
AccountsApi | get_balance | GET /accounts/{accountName}/balance | |
AccountsApi | get_nonce | GET /accounts/{accountName}/nonce | |
AccountsApi | list_accounts | GET /accounts | |
AccountsApi | sign_message | POST /accounts/{accountName}/sign-message | |
AccountsApi | sign_transaction | POST /accounts/{accountName}/sign-transaction | |
AccountsApi | sign_typed_data | POST /accounts/{accountName}/sign-typed-data | |
AccountsApi | suggest_gas_price | GET /accounts/{accountName}/suggest-gas | |
AccountsApi | transfer_eth | POST /accounts/{accountName}/transfer-eth | |
BitcoinApi | create_bitcoin_account | POST /bitcoin | |
BitcoinApi | get_bitcoin_account | GET /bitcoin/{accountName} | |
BitcoinApi | list_bitcoin_accounts | GET /bitcoin | |
BitcoinApi | sign_bitcoin_transaction | POST /bitcoin/{accountName}/sign-tx | |
BitcoincashApi | create_bitcoin_cash_account | POST /bitcoincash | |
BitcoincashApi | get_bitcoin_cash_account | GET /bitcoincash/{accountName} | |
BitcoincashApi | list_bitcoin_cash_accounts | GET /bitcoincash | |
BitcoincashApi | sign_bitcoin_cash_transaction | POST /bitcoincash/{accountName}/sign-tx | |
CosmosApi | create_account | POST /cosmos/accounts | |
CosmosApi | delete_account | DELETE /cosmos/accounts/{accountName} | |
CosmosApi | list_accounts | GET /cosmos/accounts | |
CosmosApi | read_account | GET /cosmos/accounts/{accountName} | |
CosmosApi | sign_ibc_transfer_transaction | POST /cosmos/accounts/{accountName}/sign-ibc-transfer | |
CosmosApi | sign_message | POST /cosmos/accounts/{accountName}/sign-message | |
CosmosApi | sign_transfer_transaction | POST /cosmos/accounts/{accountName}/sign-transfer | |
DefaultApi | fetch_token_details | GET /lifi/token | |
DefaultApi | fetch_tokens | GET /lifi/tokens | |
DefaultApi | get_all_possible_connections | GET /lifi/allPossibleConnections | |
DefaultApi | get_chains | GET /lifi/chains | |
DefaultApi | get_connections | GET /lifi/connections | |
DefaultApi | get_gas_price | GET /thorswap/gasPrice | |
DefaultApi | get_message | GET /ping | |
DefaultApi | get_quote | GET /lifi/quote | |
DefaultApi | get_quote_0 | GET /thorswap/quote | |
DefaultApi | get_supported_chains | GET /thorswap/chains | |
DefaultApi | get_supported_providers | GET /thorswap/providers | |
DefaultApi | get_tools | GET /lifi/tools | |
DefaultApi | getstatus | GET /lifi/status | |
DefaultApi | post_quote | POST /lifi/{accountName}/quote | |
DefaultApi | post_quote_0 | POST /thorswap/{accountName}/quote | |
DogeCoinApi | create_doge_coin_account | POST /dogecoin | |
DogeCoinApi | get_doge_coin_account | GET /dogecoin/{accountName} | |
DogeCoinApi | list_doge_coin_accounts | GET /dogecoin | |
DogeCoinApi | sign_doge_coin_transaction | POST /dogecoin/{accountName}/sign-tx | |
EnsApi | resolve | POST /ens/resolve | |
Erc1155Api | balance_of | POST /erc1155/{name}/balance-of | |
Erc1155Api | balance_of_batch | POST /erc1155/{name}/balance-of-batch | |
Erc1155Api | is_approved_for_all | POST /erc1155/{name}/is-approved-for-all | |
Erc1155Api | safe_batch_transfer_from | POST /erc1155/{name}/safe-batch-transfer-from | |
Erc1155Api | safe_transfer_from | POST /erc1155/{name}/safe-transfer-from | |
Erc1155Api | set_approval_for_all | POST /erc1155/{name}/set-approval-for-all | |
Erc20Api | approve | POST /erc20/{address}/approve | |
Erc20Api | get_allowance | GET /erc20/{account}/allowance | |
Erc20Api | get_balance_of | GET /erc20/{account}/balanceOf | |
Erc20Api | get_decimals | GET /erc20/{account}/decimals | |
Erc20Api | get_name | GET /erc20/{account}/name | |
Erc20Api | get_symbol | GET /erc20/{account}/symbol | |
Erc20Api | get_total_supply | GET /erc20/{account}/totalSupply | |
Erc20Api | transfer | POST /erc20/{address}/transfer | |
Erc20Api | transfer_from | POST /erc20/{address}/transferFrom | |
Erc4626Api | deposit | POST /erc4626/{address}/deposit | |
Erc4626Api | get_asset | GET /erc4626/{account}/asset | |
Erc4626Api | get_convert_to_assets | GET /erc4626/{account}/convertToAssets | |
Erc4626Api | get_convert_to_shares | GET /erc4626/{account}/convertToShares | |
Erc4626Api | get_max_deposit | GET /erc4626/{account}/maxDeposit | |
Erc4626Api | get_total_assets | GET /erc4626/{account}/totalAssets | |
Erc4626Api | withdraw | POST /erc4626/{address}/withdraw | |
Erc721Api | approve_erc721 | POST /erc721/{address}/approve | |
Erc721Api | get_erc721_approved | GET /erc721/{tokenId}/getApproved | |
Erc721Api | get_erc721_balance_of | GET /erc721/{account}/balanceOf | |
Erc721Api | get_erc721_is_approved_for_all | GET /erc721/{owner}/{operator}/isApprovedForAll | |
Erc721Api | get_erc721_name | GET /erc721/name | |
Erc721Api | get_erc721_owner_of | GET /erc721/{tokenId}/ownerOf | |
Erc721Api | get_erc721_symbol | GET /erc721/symbol | |
Erc721Api | get_erc721_token_uri | GET /erc721/{tokenId}/tokenURI | |
Erc721Api | safe_transfer_from_erc721 | POST /erc721/{address}/safeTransferFrom | |
Erc721Api | safe_transfer_from_with_data_erc721 | POST /erc721/{address}/safeTransferFromWithData | |
Erc721Api | set_approval_for_all_erc721 | POST /erc721/{address}/setApprovalForAll | |
Erc721Api | transfer_from_erc721 | POST /erc721/{address}/transferFrom | |
EosApi | create_eos_account | POST /eos | |
EosApi | get_eos_account | GET /eos/{accountName} | |
EosApi | list_eos_accounts | GET /eos | |
EosApi | sign_eos_transaction | POST /eos/{accountName}/sign-tx | |
LendingPoolApi | borrow | POST /lending-pool/{accountName}/borrow | |
LendingPoolApi | deposit | POST /lending-pool/{accountName}/deposit | |
LendingPoolApi | flash_loan | POST /lending-pool/{accountName}/flash-loan | |
LendingPoolApi | get_addresses_provider | GET /lending-pool/addresses-provider | |
LendingPoolApi | get_flash_loan_premium_total | GET /lending-pool/flash-loan-premium | |
LendingPoolApi | get_lending_pool_revision | GET /lending-pool/revision | |
LendingPoolApi | get_max_number_reserves | GET /lending-pool/max-reserves | |
LendingPoolApi | get_max_stable_rate_borrow_size_percent | GET /lending-pool/max-stable-rate-borrow-size-percent | |
LendingPoolApi | get_reserve_data | GET /lending-pool/reserve-data | |
LendingPoolApi | get_reserves_list | GET /lending-pool/reserves-list | |
LendingPoolApi | get_user_account_data | GET /lending-pool/user-account-data | |
LendingPoolApi | is_paused | GET /lending-pool/paused | |
LendingPoolApi | liquidation_call | POST /lending-pool/{accountName}/liquidation-call | |
LendingPoolApi | repay | POST /lending-pool/{accountName}/repay | |
LendingPoolApi | set_user_use_reserve_as_collateral | POST /lending-pool/{accountName}/set-user-use-reserve-as-collateral | |
LendingPoolApi | swap_borrow_rate_mode | POST /lending-pool/{accountName}/swap-borrow-rate-mode | |
LeveragerApi | deleverage_erc20 | POST /leverager/{accountName}/deleverage-erc20 | |
LeveragerApi | deleverage_native | POST /leverager/{accountName}/deleverage-native | |
LeveragerApi | execute_operation | POST /leverager/{accountName}/execute-operation | |
LeveragerApi | get_addresses_provider | GET /leverager/addresses-provider | |
LeveragerApi | get_default_admin_role | GET /leverager/default-admin-role | |
LeveragerApi | get_lending_pool | GET /leverager/lending-pool | |
LeveragerApi | get_min_hf | GET /leverager/min-hf | |
LeveragerApi | get_role_admin | GET /leverager/role-admin | |
LeveragerApi | get_weth | GET /leverager/weth | |
LeveragerApi | grant_role | POST /leverager/{accountName}/grant-role | |
LeveragerApi | has_role | GET /leverager/has-role | |
LeveragerApi | is_paused | GET /leverager/paused | |
LeveragerApi | leverage_erc20 | POST /leverager/{accountName}/leverage-erc20 | |
LeveragerApi | leverage_native | POST /leverager/{accountName}/leverage-native | |
LeveragerApi | pause | POST /leverager/{accountName}/pause | |
LeveragerApi | renounce_role | POST /leverager/{accountName}/renounce-role | |
LeveragerApi | revoke_role | POST /leverager/{accountName}/revoke-role | |
LeveragerApi | supports_interface | GET /leverager/supports-interface | |
LeveragerApi | unpause | POST /leverager/{accountName}/unpause | |
LitecoinApi | create_litecoin_account | POST /litecoin | |
LitecoinApi | get_litecoin_account | GET /litecoin/{accountName} | |
LitecoinApi | list_litecoin_accounts | GET /litecoin | |
LitecoinApi | sign_litecoin_transaction | POST /litecoin/{accountName}/sign-tx | |
OdosApi | assemble_transaction | POST /odos/{accountName}/assemble-transaction | |
OdosApi | get_contract_info | GET /odos/{accountName}/contract-info | |
OdosApi | get_current_block | GET /odos/{accountName}/current-block | |
OdosApi | get_executor_address | GET /odos/{accountName}/executor-address | |
OdosApi | get_liquidity_sources | GET /odos/{accountName}/liquidity-sources | |
OdosApi | get_quote | POST /odos/{accountName}/get-quote | |
OdosApi | get_router_address | GET /odos/{accountName}/router-address | |
OdosApi | get_supported_chains | GET /odos/supported-chains | |
OdosApi | get_supported_tokens | GET /odos/{accountName}/supported-tokens | |
OdosApi | swap | POST /odos/{accountName}/swap | |
OnramperApi | on_ramper_checkout | POST /onramper/fund/${accountName} | |
OnramperApi | on_ramper_get_quotes_buy | GET /onramper/quotes/buy | |
OnramperApi | on_ramper_get_quotes_sell | GET /onramper/quotes/sell | |
OnramperApi | on_ramper_get_supported_assets | GET /onramper/assets | |
OnramperApi | on_ramper_get_supported_currencies | GET /onramper/currencies | |
OnramperApi | on_ramper_get_supported_defaults_all | GET /onramper/defaults | |
OnramperApi | on_ramper_get_supported_on_ramps_all | GET /onramper/onramps | |
OnramperApi | on_ramper_get_supported_payment_types | GET /onramper/payment-types | |
OnramperApi | on_ramper_get_supported_payment_types_fiat | GET /onramper/payment-types/fiat | |
RippleApi | create_ripple_account | POST /ripple | |
RippleApi | get_ripple_account | GET /ripple/{accountName} | |
RippleApi | list_ripple_accounts | GET /ripple | |
RippleApi | sign_ripple_transaction | POST /ripple/{accountName}/sign-tx | |
SolanaApi | create_solana_account | POST /solana | |
SolanaApi | get_solana_account | GET /solana/{accountName} | |
SolanaApi | list_solana_accounts | GET /solana | |
SolanaApi | multi_sign_solana_transaction | POST /solana/{accountName}/multi-sign-tx | |
SolanaApi | sign_solana_transaction | POST /solana/{accountName}/sign-tx | |
SolanaApi | transfer_solana_transaction | POST /solana/{accountName}/transfer | |
SolanaApi | transfer_tokens_sign_solana_transaction | POST /solana/{accountName}/transfer-tokens | |
TronApi | create_tron_account | POST /tron | |
TronApi | get_tron_account | GET /tron/{accountName} | |
TronApi | list_tron_accounts | GET /tron | |
TronApi | sign_tron_transaction | POST /tron/{accountName}/sign-tx |
Documentation For Models
- AbiEncodeInput
- AbiEncodeOutput
- AbiEncodeOutputData
- AccountApiResponse
- AccountData
- AccountResponse
- Action
- ApiResponseChainMap
- ApiResponseChainsResponse
- ApiResponseConnectionsResponse
- ApiResponseGasPrice
- ApiResponsePostQuote
- ApiResponseQuote
- ApiResponseStatusResponse
- ApiResponseStringArray
- ApiResponseTokenDetails
- ApiResponseTokenInfoByChainId
- ApiResponseTokensResponse
- ApiResponseToolsResponse
- AssembleTransactionRequest
- BalanceApiResponse
- BalanceResponse
- BitcoinApiResponse
- BitcoinCashApiResponse
- BitcoinCashInput
- BitcoinCashTransactionInput
- BitcoinCashTransactionOutput
- BitcoinInput
- BitcoinTransactionInput
- BitcoinTransactionOutput
- Bridge
- BridgeSupportedChain
- BroadCastRawTransactionApiResponse
- BroadCastRawTransactionResponse
- BroadcastInput
- Chain
- ChainId
- ChainMetamask
- ChainMetamaskNativeCurrency
- ChainNativeToken
- ChainsResponse
- Connection
- ConnectionsResponse
- CosmosApiResponse
- CreateAccountInput
- CreateAccountRequest
- CryptoCurrency
- DeployInput
- DogeCoinApiResponse
- DogeCoinInput
- DogeCoinTransactionInput
- DogeCoinTransactionOutput
- EnsResolveApiResponse
- EnsResolveInput
- EnsResolveResponse
- EosApiResponse
- EosInput
- EosTransactionInput
- EosTransactionOutput
- Erc1155Request
- Erc20ApiResponseErc20ExecuteFunctionResult
- Erc20ApiResponseNumber
- Erc20ApiResponseString
- Erc20ExecuteFunctionResult
- Erc20InputBody
- Erc20Transaction
- Erc4626ApiResponse
- Erc721ApiResponse
- Estimate
- Exchange
- FeeCost
- FiatCurrency
- GasCost
- GasPrice
- GasPriceHistoryInner
- GetSupportedOnRampsResponse
- GetSupportedOnRampsResponseMessageInner
- GetSupportedOnRampsResponseMessageInnerIcons
- GetSupportedOnRampsResponseMessageInnerIconsPng
- IbcTransferTransactionInput
- InputBody
- InputBodyMinHealthFactor
- InputBodyPremiums
- LendingPoolApiResponseAny
- LendingPoolApiResponseBoolean
- LendingPoolApiResponseLendingPoolExecuteFunctionResult
- LendingPoolApiResponseNumber
- LendingPoolApiResponseString
- LendingPoolApiResponseStringArray
- LendingPoolExecuteFunctionResult
- LendingPoolInputBody
- LendingPoolTransaction
- LeveragerApiResponseBoolean
- LeveragerApiResponseLeveragerExecuteFunctionResult
- LeveragerApiResponseString
- LeveragerExecuteFunctionResult
- LeveragerInputBody
- LeveragerTransaction
- LitecoinApiResponse
- LitecoinInput
- LitecoinTransactionInput
- LitecoinTransactionOutput
- Message
- MessageInput
- NonceApiResponse
- NonceResponse
- OdosApiResponseOdosExecuteFunctionResult
- OdosExecuteFunctionResult
- OdosInputBody
- OdosSwapInputBody
- OdosTransaction
- PathVizImageConfig
- PaymentType
- PingResponse
- PostQuote
- Quote
- RippleApiResponse
- RippleInput
- RippleTransactionInput
- RippleTransactionOutput
- SellQuote
- SignMessage
- SignMessageApiResponse
- SignTypedData
- SolanaApiResponse
- SolanaInput
- SolanaSignTransactionInput
- SolanaTransactionInput
- SolanaTransactionOutput
- StatusResponse
- Step
- SupportedAssetResponse
- SupportedAssetResponseAssetsInner
- SupportedCurrenciesResponse
- SupportedDefaultResponse
- SupportedDefaultResponseDefaults
- SupportedDefaultResponseDefaultsId
- SupportedPaymentTypesCurrencyResponse
- SupportedPaymentTypesMessage
- Token
- TokenAmount
- TokenDetails
- TokenInfo
- TokenProportion
- TokensResponse
- ToolsResponse
- Transaction
- TransactionApiResponse
- TransactionData
- TransactionInput
- TransactionInputMetaData
- TransactionInputSupportedParams
- TransactionInputSupportedParamsPartnerData
- TransactionInputSupportedParamsPartnerDataRedirectUrl
- TransactionInputSupportedParamsTheme
- TransactionInputWallet
- TransactionRequest
- TransactionStatus
- TransferTransactionInput
- TronApiResponse
- TronInput
- TronTransactionInput
- TronTransactionOutput
- Tx
To get access to the crate's generated documentation, use:
cargo doc --open
~236K SLoC