6 releases

1.0.0 Mar 13, 2023
0.3.4 Apr 3, 2023
0.3.2 Mar 27, 2023
0.2.0 Feb 28, 2023
0.1.0 Feb 8, 2023

#1611 in Command line utilities

28 downloads per month



License: AGPL v3 crates.io

codeberg-cli logo

codeberg-cli (berg)

CLI Tool for Codeberg similar to gh and glab.

Shell running the issue view command Shell running the issue view command


I. Cargo

The easiest way to install the berg command is using cargo. (If you haven't installed rust/cargo yet, take a look here)

I.I. Cargo Build (from source)

Clone the repo and install berg with

cargo install --path .

I.II. Cargo Crates.io

Anywhere, just run

cargo install codeberg-cli

II. Void Linux

Run the following:

sudo xbps-install codeberg-cli

III. Checking the installation

After that, the berg command should be available for you. Check it with berg -V

berg 0.3.4


Run berg -h for the help menu. Each subcommand also has it's own help menu

Codeberg CLI app

Usage: berg [COMMAND]

  auth        Authentication subcommands
  user        User subcommands
  issue       Issue subcommands
  pull        Pull request subcommands
  label       Label subcommands
  repo        Repository subcommands
  milestone   Milestone subcommands
  completion  Print completion script
  help        Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)

  -h, --help     Print help (see more with '--help')
  -V, --version  Print version


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~544K SLoC