#zip-archive #zip #s3 #archive #input-file

bin+lib cobalt-s3-archiver

A library and CLI tool to create and validate ZIP archives in S3

2 unstable releases

0.2.0 Dec 14, 2022
0.1.0 Nov 28, 2022

#724 in Compression




s3-archiver is a binary to create zip archives from multiple files in S3.

Given an output S3 URL argument and list of line spaced S3 URLs on standard input s3-archiver will add each input file into an archive at the output S3 URL. s3-archiver uses S3 multipart uploads in order to keep the memory usage low.

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Usage: s3-archiver-cli <COMMAND>

  archive            Create an ZIP archive in S3 from source files in S3
  validate-archive   Validate a ZIP archive matches the given manifest
  validate-manifest  Validate the calculated crc32 of files in the manifest match those recorded the manifest
  unarchive          Extract compressed files from archive
  list               List archive files
  help               Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)

  -h, --help  Print help information

Each file will be stored in the ZIP with no compression unless a compression argument is provided. Supported compression includes deflate, bzip2, lzma, zstd and xz. All input files will be compressed with the same compression.

The path of each file in the ZIP will the be the key of the input object unless a prefix_stripargument is provided. If a prefix_strip argument is provided its value is removed from the input object key before writing it into the zip. For example my/input/key.txt with a prefix_strip argument of my/ will be added to the zip as input/key.txt. The prefix_strip must not start with \ but must include a trailing \, this is explicitly validated rather than magically edited in the code.


The async-zip crate does not support ZIP64 which introduces the following limitations:

  • Number of files inside an Archive 65,535.
  • Size of a file in an Archive [bytes] 4,294,967,295.
  • Size of an Archive [bytes] 4,294,967,295.
  • Central Directory Size [bytes] 4,294,967,295.

The current failure mode of this binary is silent if these limits are reached.


The testing of this binary operates in three modes, all of which use localstack:

  • Single instance Localstack.
  • Localstack with docker compose.
  • Multiple instances of Localstack using testcontainers-rs.

Single Instance Localstack

To run cargo test an instance of localstack must be running and listening on The test code will connect to localhost:4566 (so localhost must resolve to your local machine). Since the localstack instance is shared between all the tests they must be run in series using

cargo test -- --test-threads=1

to ensure that the tests do not share resources.

Localstack with docker compose

To run the tests as part of docker compose use

make test

this will start localstack as part of docker compose. Note make test does not run docker compose down so this will leave a running container. Like the single instance method the tests must be run in a single thread or using isolated resources.


To run the tests using testcontainers use the test_containers feature flag.

cargo test --features test_containers 

For each test a separate localstack instance is started listening on a separate port allowing the tests to be run in isolation and in parallel.


The project can be built and run using cargo. To build the project use cargo build, to run the project cargo run and to install the project use cargo install.


~1M SLoC