#sqlx #crud #orm #sql #primary-key

macro co-orm-macros

Derive macro for co-orm

12 releases

0.3.9 Mar 18, 2024
0.3.3 Dec 15, 2023
0.3.2 Nov 27, 2023
0.2.5 Dec 19, 2022
0.2.2 Oct 24, 2022

#2729 in Database interfaces

Download history 35/week @ 2024-02-22 11/week @ 2024-02-29 7/week @ 2024-03-07 528/week @ 2024-03-14 96/week @ 2024-03-21 15/week @ 2024-03-28 13/week @ 2024-04-04

169 downloads per month
Used in co-orm


523 lines

Implement Create, Read, Update, and Delete (CRUD) methods for sqlx.


add the following to your project's Cargo.toml:

co-orm = { virsion = "0.3", features = ["mysql"] }
sqlx = { version = "0.7", features = ["mysql","runtime-tokio-native-tls"] }

  • features: mysql, postgres, sqlite, mssql


#[derive(Debug, Crud, sqlx::FromRow)]
#[co_orm(rename = "users")] // rename table name
struct User {
    // co_orm(id) // default first field is primary key
    #[co_orm(seq)] // sequence field, insert will ignore this field
    pub id: u64,
    [co_orm(rename = "name")] // rename field name
    #[co_orm(by)] // generate query_by_field,update_by_field,delete_by_field
    pub name: String,
    #[co_orm(update)] // generate method update_xxx. 
    pub password: String,
    #[co_orm(skip)] // ignore field
    pub addr: Option<String>,
    // pub age: i32,
    // #[co_orm(skip_insert)] // insert will ignore this field

pub async fn get_pool() -> Result<MySqlPool> {

async fn test_query() {
    let pool=get_pool().await.unwrap();
    let u = User::get(&pool, 1).await;
    println!("get {:?}", u);
    let u = User::get_by(&pool, "where id=?", args!(1)).await;
    println!("get_by {:?}", u);
    let u = User::query_by_name(&pool, "plucky".into()).await;
    println!("query_by_name {:?}", u);
    let u =User::query(&pool).await;
    println!("list {:?}",u);

    // u.update(&pool).await;
    // u.insert(&pool).await;
    // u.delete(&pool).await

    // let list = vec![User::new(0, "lusy3", "123456"),User::new(0, "lusy5", "123456")];
    // let r =User::insert_all(&pool, list).await;
    // println!("list: {:?}",r);


generate method: get, get_by, query, query_by, update, delete, insert, insert_all, query_page_by



default first field is primary key or set.


sequence field, auto increment. insert will skip this field.


insert will skip this field.


rename table name or field name. default table name by struct name to_table_case: UserDetail => user_detail. default field name by field name to_snake_case: UserDetail => user_detail.


ignore field.


generate method update_xxx.


generate qet_by_field, query_by_field, update_by_field, delete_by_field.


impl sqlx::FromRow trait.

or use #[derive(sqlx::FromRow)] macro or impl sqlx::FromRow trait.

if using sqlx::FromRow, if have #[co_orm(skip)] add #[sqlx(skip)] .



 let args = args!(&name, age);


query!("insert into users (name, password) values (?,?)", name, password).execute(&pool).await


query_as!(User, "select * from users where name = ?", name).fetch_one(&pool).await


~21K SLoC