#clippy #linter #review #github #automated #filter #reviewdog

app clippy-reviewdog-filter

A filter for integrating Clippy with Reviewdog

5 releases

0.1.6 May 5, 2024
0.1.5 May 5, 2024
0.1.4 Jan 18, 2024
0.1.3 Jan 17, 2024
0.1.2 Jan 16, 2024

#141 in Testing


514 lines

A filter for integrating Clippy with Reviewdog


What's this?

Reviewdog is an automated review tool. It extracts relevant parts for the patch from an output of an external linter, and reports the result in several formats, including GitHub Checks and GitHub comments.

clippy-reviewdog-filter is a simple filter for feeding Reviewdog an output of Clippy, the official linter for Rust.

How to try this locally

No more interesting than simply running Clippy if you run this locally, but if you want to try this out before putting this into a CI:

Install reviewdog: get the binary release or

$ go get -u github.com/haya14busa/reviewdog/cmd/reviewdog

Install clippy-reviewdog-filter: get the binary release or

$ cargo install --git https://github.com/qnighy/clippy-reviewdog-filter.git
cargo clippy --message-format json 2>&1 | clippy-reviewdog-filter | reviewdog -f=checkstyle -diff="git diff master"

Configuration example

Configuration taken from a sample repository:


language: rust
    # See the reviewdog manual for how to obtain the token.
    # Beware that, encrypted environment variables cannnot be seen in
    # builds for pull requests from fork repositories.
  - REVIEWDOG_GITHUB_API_TOKEN=0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef
- mkdir -p ~/bin
- export PATH="$HOME/bin/:$PATH"
- curl -fSL https://github.com/haya14busa/reviewdog/releases/download/0.9.11/reviewdog_linux_amd64 -o ~/bin/reviewdog
- curl -fSL https://github.com/qnighy/clippy-reviewdog-filter/releases/download/v0.1.1/clippy-reviewdog-filter-x86_64-unknown-linux-musl -o ~/bin/clippy-reviewdog-filter
- chmod +x ~/bin/reviewdog ~/bin/clippy-reviewdog-filter
- rustup component add clippy-preview
- reviewdog -reporter=github-pr-review


    cmd: 'find . -type f -name \*.rs -exec touch {} \;; cargo clippy --message-format json 2>&1 | clippy-reviewdog-filter'
    format: checkstyle

Note on security

If you want to use the github-pr-review reporter in .travis.yml, you're essentially going to publish your API Token to the submitters of pull requests, as they're free to run modified versions of .travis.yml on your Travis CI repo.

For better security, you may want to use the github-pr-check reporter instead or run reviewdog -reporter=github-pr-review in a more isolated environment, like in a dedicated GitHub Webhook server.

Of course, there's no problem with using github-pr-review in a private repository with no forks. In that case, you can just encrypt the github token using the travis encrypt command.


~166K SLoC