13 releases

0.3.1 Feb 22, 2024
0.3.0 Feb 22, 2024
0.2.2 Jan 19, 2024
0.2.0 Nov 22, 2023
0.1.3 Nov 18, 2022

#1947 in Command line utilities

MIT license

562 lines

Crate License Crate Downloads Build


cli-kneeboard is a tool that reads Markdown checklists and lets you programmatically run through them.

It is capable of saving the progress of a checklist as TOML allowing you to have reusable to-do lists.

When the app exits it will close with an ExitCode equal to the number of unresolved checklist items. This means you can use it as a git hook example here.



From binaries

  • Go to releases and download the latest binary for your architecture.
  • Extract the file and copy the binary to your PATH.

From source on crates.io

  • Run cargo install cli-kneeboard

From source on Github.com

  • Clone or download the repo
  • Use cargo run -- [OPTIONS] to run the app in debug mode
  • Or compile it with cargo build --release and get the binary from ./target/release/kneeboard


$ kneeboard --help
cli-kneeboard 0.1.0
Alexis Lowe <agl314@chimbosonic.com>
Checklist Tool

    kneeboard [OPTIONS] --checklist-path <CHECKLIST_PATH>

    -c, --checklist-path <CHECKLIST_PATH>    Path to the checklist
    -h, --help                               Print help information
    -s, --save                               Save progress of the checklist
    -v, --verbose                            Turn debugging information on
    -V, --version                            Print version information
  • --checklist-path || -c is required and is the path to the Markdown checklist you want to load
  • --save || -s tells cli-kneeboard to save the progress of the checklist in the same folder as the checklist named .<checklist-name>.kb.toml
  • --verbose || -v lets you set verbosity the more v's provided the higher the verbosity

cli-kneeboard will read in a checklist following the specification described in SPEC.md


~228K SLoC