#networking #graph #topology #simulation #grothendieck #sheaf #chip-firing

yanked chaotic_networks

Discrete Graphs for Indiscrete Researchers - Networks with Grothendieck Topology

1 unstable release

0.1.0 Jun 22, 2024

#28 in #topology


645 lines



ChaoticNetworks is a Rust package designed for advanced graph modeling and simulations. This library leverages Grothendieck topologies and sheaf theory to provide a robust framework for analyzing and understanding complex networks such as Hopfield networks and chip-firing models.


  • Modular design and support for a range of Grothendieck Topologies.
  • Integration with sheaf theory for consistency and advanced analysis.
  • Flexible simulation framework for Hopfield networks and chip-firing systems.
  • Rust implementation (potential for future Python bindings).
  • Provides Opportunity for a range of wordplay.


  • src/graph - Contains the core graph structures and node implementations.
  • src/sheaf - Manages sheaf and presheaf data, along with sheaf conditions.
  • src/simulation - Simulation logic for Hopfield networks and chip-firing systems.
  • src/category - Defines Category Theoeretic structure and Grothendieck topologies.


~35K SLoC