app chainpulse

Chainpulse is a monitoring tool for IBC relayers

10 unstable releases (3 breaking)

0.4.1 Nov 14, 2023
0.4.0 Oct 31, 2023
0.3.2 Jul 26, 2023
0.3.0 Jun 6, 2023
0.1.2 May 25, 2023



Cosmos ecosystem Build Status Apache 2.0 Licensed Rust Stable Rust 1.69+

Chain Pulse

Collect packets relayed to and from a given blockchain, computing which packets are effected or not and by whom they were relayed.

The collected data is stored in a SQLite database and the metrics are exported to Prometheus.


  1. Clone this repository

    $ git clone
  2. Build the chainpulse executable

    $ cargo build --release
  3. The chainpulse executable can now be found in target/release


Create a configuration file at chainpulse.toml with the following content:

endpoints = [
  { name = "neutron", comet_version = "0.34", url = "wss://" },
  { name = "osmosis", comet_version = "0.34", url = "wss://" },

path = "data.db"

enabled = true
port    = 3000

Note: The comet_version field is optional and defaults to "0.34".


Collect and analyze txs containing IBC messages, export the collected metrics for Prometheus

Usage: chainpulse [OPTIONS]

  -c, --config <CONFIG>  Path to the configuration file [default: chainpulse.toml]
  -h, --help             Print help

Run the collector using the configuration file above to collect packet metrics on Osmosis and Neutron:

$ chainpulse --config chainpulse.toml
2023-05-26T10:17:28.378380Z  INFO Metrics server listening at http://localhost:3000/metrics
2023-05-26T10:17:28.386299Z  INFO collect{chain=neutron}: Connecting to wss://
2023-05-26T10:17:28.386951Z  INFO collect{chain=osmosis}: Connecting to wss://
2023-05-26T10:17:28.932084Z  INFO collect{chain=neutron}: Subscribing to NewBlock events...
2023-05-26T10:17:29.012893Z  INFO collect{chain=neutron}: Waiting for new blocks...
2023-05-26T10:17:29.078725Z  INFO collect{chain=osmosis}: Subscribing to NewBlock events...
2023-05-26T10:17:29.254485Z  INFO collect{chain=osmosis}: Waiting for new blocks...


Prometheus Metrics

The built-in HTTP server at /metrics exports the following Prometheus metrics:

# HELP ibc_effected_packets The number of IBC packets that are effected
# TYPE ibc_effected_packets counter
ibc_effected_packets{chain_id, src_channel, src_port, dst_channel, dst_port, signer, memo}
# HELP ibc_uneffected_packets The number of IBC packets that are not effected
# TYPE ibc_uneffected_packets counter
ibc_uneffected_packets{chain_id, src_channel, src_port, dst_channel, dst_port, signer, memo}
# HELP ibc_frontrun_counter The number of times a signer gets frontrun by the original signer
# TYPE ibc_frontrun_counter counter
ibc_frontrun_counter{chain_id, src_channel, src_port, dst_channel, dst_port, signer, frontrunned_by, memo, effected_memo}

# HELP ibc_stuck_packets The number of packets stuck on an IBC channel
# TYPE ibc_stuck_packets gauge
ibc_stuck_packets{dst_chain,src_chain,src_channel} 1

Internal metrics

The following internal metrics are also available, for monitor Chain Pulse itself:

# HELP chainpulse_chains The number of chains being monitored
# TYPE chainpulse_chains gauge
chainpulse_chains 2
# HELP chainpulse_packets The number of packets processed
# TYPE chainpulse_packets counter
# HELP chainpulse_reconnects The number of times we had to reconnect to the WebSocket
# TYPE chainpulse_reconnects counter
# HELP chainpulse_txs The number of txs processed
# TYPE chainpulse_txs counter


This project is heavily inspired and partly ported from @clemensgg's relayer-metrics-exporter


Copyright © 2023 Informal Systems Inc. and Hermes authors.

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use the files in this repository except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.


~1.5M SLoC