10 releases (5 breaking)

0.5.2 Apr 4, 2021
0.5.1 Feb 18, 2021
0.5.0 Nov 2, 2020
0.4.0 Jun 28, 2020
0.1.0 Nov 21, 2018

#1756 in Rust patterns

Download history 34/week @ 2024-02-19 85/week @ 2024-02-26 30/week @ 2024-03-04 20/week @ 2024-03-11 17/week @ 2024-03-18 24/week @ 2024-03-25

95 downloads per month
Used in 4 crates (2 directly)

MIT license



Emulating checked exceptions in Rust.


  1. Add this crate to Cargo.toml, and enable any features you want


version = "0.4"

version = "0.5"

Add this if you want to support backtrace:

features = ["log","pretty_log"]


use enumx::export::*;
use enumx::predefined::*; // or use your own enum types at your will.
use cex::*;


  1. ad-hoc enums as checked exceptions.

  2. Backtrace.

  3. Type as pattern.

  4. Fallback as impl Trait.


See the enumx book for more.


Under MIT.


Checked EXceptions for Rust.

See the enumx book for more.


  1. Use Result!( Type throws A,B,.. ), ret!(), throw!() to simulate checked exceptions in Rust

  2. #[ty_pat] match for "type as pattern matching" in match expressions.

  3. Optional backtrace support.

  4. Fallback as impl std::error::Error.


use enumx::export::*;
use enumx::predefined::*;
use cex::*;

// accepts even numbers; rejects odd ones and report an error `String`
fn check_even( a: u32 ) -> Result!( u32 throws String ) {
    if a % 2 == 1 {
        throw!( format!( "odd numbers not allowed: a == {}", a ));
    } else {
        ret!( a );

// accepts non-zero numbers; rejects zeros and report an error of `&'static str`
fn check_nonzero( b: u32 ) -> Result!( u32 throws &'static str ) {
    if b == 0 {
        throw!( "zero not allowed: b == 0" );
    } else {
        ret!( b )

struct Underflow;

fn sub( a: u32, b: u32 ) -> Result!( u32 throws String, &'static str, Underflow ) {
    let a = check_even( a )?;
    let b = check_nonzero( b )?;
    ret!( a+b );

fn distance( a: u32, b: u32 ) -> Result!( u32 throws String, &'static str ) {
    ret!( sub(a,b).or_else( |err| {#[ty_pat] match err {
        Underflow => ret!( b-a ),
        String(s) => throw!( s ),
        TyPat::<&'static str>(s) => throw!( s ),

fn distance2( a: u32, b: u32 ) -> Result!( u32 throws String, &'static str ) {
    ret!( sub(a,b).or_else( |err| #[ty_pat(gen_throws)] match err {
        Underflow => ret!( b-a ),

fn distance3( a: u32, b: u32 ) -> Result!( u32 throws String, &'static str ) {
    ret!( sub(a,b).or_else( |err| #[ty_pat(gen &'static str, String )] match err {
        Underflow => ret!( b-a ),


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