#tls #ccadb #pki #wrapper


Thin wrappers around Common CA Database (CCADB) CSV report content

1 unstable release

0.1.0 Apr 21, 2023

#1683 in Database interfaces

47 downloads per month
Used in 2 crates

MPL-2.0 license

359 lines

Rust CCADB Utilities


A collection of Rust crates useful for fetching and processing CSV data from Common CA Database (CCADB) reports. These reports offer metadata about root and intermediate certificate authorities that have been disclosed to participating root programs (e.g. Mozilla, Microsoft, and Google).

Getting started

cargo fetch-included-roots
cargo fetch-all-records     # May take a little while :)


Offers thin wrappers around CCADB report content, preserving values unprocessed and in String form, like the raw CSV data. Consumers that wish to process this data will likely want to create newtype wrappers that further refine the data.


Utility for downloading CCADB CSV metadata reports for local processing. Hardcodes a vendored copy of the root certificate required to access CCADB such that the tool can bootstrap a root store based on the CSV content without itself needing a full root store.


Utility for best-effort mass-downloading all Mozilla included, non-revoked, issuer CRLs (full and partitioned) present in the CCADB all certificate records CSV report. This report includes issuers that chain to expired roots and CRL URLs that are broken, so some errors are to be expected. Mostly useful for building a test data corpus.

Future Work

  • Better handling of retries and HTTPS->HTTP protocol downgrade for CRL downloads.

Previous Work


Utility for converting the CCADB IncludedCACertificateReportPEMCSV.csv report into a Rust file holding the set of Mozilla TLS trust anchors in webpki compatible format. This tool can be used to generate an updated webpki-roots library.

This inspired a simpler solution built directly into the webpki-roots crate.


ccadb-csv is a crate offering helpers for processing CSV data from Common CA Database (CCADB) reports. These reports offer metadata about root and intermediate certificate authorities that have been disclosed to participating root programs (e.g. Mozilla, Microsoft, and Google).

The structs in this crate are very thin wrappers around the CSV content, preserving values unprocessed and in String form, like the raw CSV data. Consumers that wish to process this data will likely want to create newtype wrappers that further refine the data.

Presently there is support for reading the "All Certificate Records" report in all_cert_records, and the "Mozilla Included CA Certificate Report" in mozilla_included_roots. See CCADB Resources for more information.

To download the CSV data required for use with this crate see the companion ccadb-csv-fetch crate.


~37K SLoC