#docker #docker-image #rocket #cargo-subcommand #cargo #tool

app cargo-rocket-docker

Cargo sub-command tool for docker images into Rocket projects

13 releases (1 stable)

1.0.0 May 25, 2020
0.5.2 May 25, 2020
0.3.0 May 25, 2020
0.2.1 May 25, 2020
0.1.5 May 24, 2020

#439 in Cargo plugins

MIT license

283 lines

Cargo Rocket Docker

Automate tool sub-command to create a docker image for Rocket Project and build/publish them using Alpine OS.


Docker Image - Tested in MachOS

OS/ARCH: linux/amd64 
LAST PUSHED: 12 minutes ago by garyascuy


  • Rust Nightly Version
  • Docker Latest
$ cargo install cargo-rocket-docker

To upgrade:

$ cargo install --force cargo-rocket-docker


Add following section into Cargo.toml file

name = "app-bin-name"
version = "0.1.0"
maintainer = "Team Name <mail.support@company.com>"
temp_folder = "./.tmp_docker"
tag = "garyascuy/cargo-rocket-example"

Build Docker Images

$ cargo docker --build

Push Docker Images

$ cargo docker --push

All-In-One Command? Type following command:

$ cargo docker --build --push --keep-temporary-files

All-In-One Command still long? Here more alternatives:

$ cargo docker --all
$ cargo docker -a
$ cargo docker -bpk # [B]uild, [P]ush, [K] Keep Docker Files

Do you need some custom? Create files and maintaing by yourself ಠ_ಠ:

$ cargo docker --eject

I don't understand? Learn by Example:

Rust Rest API Basic API with Rocket in Rust

There's a lot more you can do! Here's a copy of the help:

    cargo docker [FLAGS]

    -a, --all                     build and publish docker images
    -b, --build                   build docker images
    -e, --eject                   eject Dockerfile and .dockerignofe files
    -h, --help                    Prints help information
    -k, --keep-temporary-files    Keep temporary files after build execution
    -p, --push                    publish docker images
    -V, --version                 Prints version information

Config Properties

Here Full Example && Custom Tags && Alpine Packages

name = "app-bin-name"
version = "0.1.0"
maintainer = "Team Name <mail.support@company.com>"
temp_folder = "./.tmp_docker"
tag = "garyascuy/cargo-rocket-example"
custom_tags = [

build = "acf-openssl"
image = "imagemagick second-pkg other-pkg"


# Cargo Docker Settings
# docker will copy bin from target/release/{app-bin-name}
name = "app-bin-name" 
# Docker image version
version = "1.0.0"     
# Responsible for image
maintainer = "Team Name <mail@company.com>" 
# Docker tag base, it will create tho images:
# account/back:{version} and account/back:latest
tag = "account/back" 

# docker build will use these spesific tags to create the images and publish
custom_tags = [

# Optional install extra packages in Alpine OS
# apk add acf-openssl in build image, development dependencies
build = "acf-openssl"
# add packages in final image, production dependencies
image = "imagemagick second-pkg other-pkg"


Created by Gary Ascuy and Follow me in LinkedIn or GitHub if you want :P.


~146K SLoC