#cargo-workspace #assist #env-var #variables #environment #protologic #fleets

app cargo-protologic

A small tool to assist in writing Protologic fleets

4 releases

0.2.2 Feb 8, 2024
0.2.1 Feb 8, 2024
0.2.0 Feb 6, 2024
0.1.0 Feb 6, 2024

#178 in Cargo plugins

MIT license

275 lines


This is a small tool to assist in writing Protologic fleets.

To use the run subcommand, you should have the Protologic Release somewhere on your computer. To simplify usage, you can set the PROTOLOGIC_PATH environment variable to the location of the release.


$ cargo protologic
A helper for creating Protologic fleets in rust!

Usage: cargo protologic <COMMAND>

  build  Builds Protologic fleets from the cargo workspace
  list   List all built fleets. If you see none, try building them!
  run    Run battle between two fleets. The replay file will be put in your current directory. Requires your workspace to have exactly two fleets!
  help   Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)

  -h, --help  Print help


  • Automatically builds a crate the right way to be used by Protologic. No cdylib required!
    • Note, you still should configure the release profile as you desire for optimizations
  • build subcommand uses cargo workspace default-members to pick fleets (by default). This enables you to have other helper crates in the workspace without them being confused for fleets!


  • Can pass --player to cargo protologic run to start the replay in the player!
    • Only works on Windows currently, as there's only a Windows build of protologic currently


~301K SLoC