#web-apps #web-framework #javascript #component #rocket-web #bundle #scss

app cargo-pgml-components

A tool for bundling SCSS and JavaScript Stimulus components like Rails does

27 releases

0.1.25 Apr 11, 2024
0.1.24 Dec 14, 2023
0.1.23 Nov 27, 2023
0.1.20 Oct 24, 2023
0.1.9 Aug 31, 2023

#1738 in Web programming

38 downloads per month

MIT license

1.5K SLoC


pgml-components is a CLI for working with Rust web apps written with Rocket, Sailfish and SQLx, our toolkit of choice. It's currently a work in progress and only used internally by us, but the long term goal is to make it into a comprehensive framework for building web apps in Rust.


pgml-components is available on crates.io and can be installed with cargo install cargo-pgml-components.


To get a list of available commands:

cargo pgml-components --help

The CLI operates on a project directory, which is a directory containing a Cargo.toml file. You can specify the project directory with the --project-path flag, or you can run the CLI from the project directory itself.



cargo pgml-components bundle

This command will read all the JavaScript and Sass files in the project and bundle them into a JS bundle and a CSS bundle accordingly. The JS bundle is created with Rollup and the CSS bundle is created with the Sass compiler.

The bundle command should be ran after making any changes to JavaScript or Sass files. In our app, we added it to build.rs and run it on every change to the src/ directory, but another way of running it without having to rebuild the app can be with watch:

cargo watch \
	--exec 'pgml-components bundle' \
	--watch src/ \
	--watch static/ \
	--ignore bundle.*.*

The bundles are placed in static/css/style.css and static/js/bundle.js. Both bundles are also copied into files with a short hash of their contents appended to their names, e.g. static/css/style.6c1a4abc.css. The bundles with the hash in their names are used in production, while the bundles without the hash are used in development. The hash is used to bust our caching of assets.


This command is used to add elements to the project. Currently, only frontend components are supported. Support for SQLx models and Rocket controllers is on the roadmap.

add component
cargo pgml-components add component <path>

This command will create a new frontend component in the specified path. The name of the component will be the absolute name of the Rust module. For example, if the path of the component is dropdown, then the component will be added to src/components/dropdown and it's name will be crate::components::Dropdown. If the component path is controls/button/primary, then component name will be crate::components::controls::button::Primary and the component will be placed into the src/components/controls/button/primary directory.

Frontend components use Sailfish templates, Hotwired Stimulus for JavaScript, and Sass stylesheets. The command creates all of these automatically and links both the JS and the Sass into the bundles produced by the bundle command.

For example, if creating the dropdown component, you'll get the following files:

# Sailfish template

# Stimulus controller

# Sass stylesheet

# Rust module

Initially, the component will be very barebones, but it will have all the necessary dependencies connected automatically.


The HTML template will just have a <div> that's connected to the Stimulus controller.

<div data-controller="dropdown">

The Stimulus controller is connected to the <div> in the template above, and can be used immediately.

import { Controller } from '@hotwired/stimulus'

export default class extends Controller {
	initiliaze() {
		console.log('Initialized dropdown controller')

The Sass stylesheet doesn't have much, but you can start adding styles into it immediately. We don't have to use data-controller CSS selectors, the typical class selectors are fine. The command just generates something that will immediately work without any further configuration.

div[data-controller="dropdown"] {
	width: 100%;
	height: 100px;

	background: red;

Everything is linked together ultimately with Rust. This file defines a struct that implements sailfish::TemplateOnce.

use sailfish::TemplateOnce;

#[template(path = "dropdown/template.html")]
pub struct Dropdown {
	pub value: String,

Once the component is created, it can be used in any Sailfish template:

<% use crate::components::Dropdown; %>

<div class="row">
	<div class="col-6">
		<%+ Dropdown::new() %>

Components can be placed into any directory under src/components. They have to be in their own folder, so to have components organized neatly, you'd need to have folders that only contain other components and not be a component by itself.

For example, all buttons can be placed in controls/buttons, e.g. controls/buttons/primary, controls/buttons/secondary, but there cannot be a component in controls/buttons. There is no inherent limitation in our framework, but it's good to keep things tidy.

pgml-components does all of this automatically and makes sure that you don't accidently add components into a directory that already has one.

Deleting a component

There is no command for deleting a component yet, but you can do so by just deleting its directory and all the files in it, and bundling.

For example, to delete the dropdown component, you'd run:

rm -r src/components/dropdown
cargo pgml-components bundle


pgml-components is an opinionated framework for building web apps in Rust based on our experience of using Rocket, SQLx, and Sailfish (and other template engines). That being said, its philosophy is to generate code based on its own templates, and doesn't force its user to use any specific parts of it. Therefore, all elements generated by pgml-components are optional. When creating a new component, you can remove the Stimulus controller or the Sass stylesheet. If removed, they won't be added into the bundle.


~207K SLoC