#cargo-subcommand #cargo #subcommand

app cargo-first

A cargo subcommand to stop execution after the first error

5 releases

0.1.4 Jul 16, 2019
0.1.3 Jul 14, 2019
0.1.2 Jul 14, 2019
0.1.1 Jul 14, 2019
0.1.0 Jul 14, 2019

#393 in Cargo plugins

MIT license



A cargo subcommand to stop execution after the first error. This is a stop-gap until there is proper support in rustc: https://github.com/rust-lang/rust/issues/27189.

This is a very simple tool and may not catch all edge cases. Please submit an issue if you find a problem.


cargo first [command args...]


$ cargo first build

Compiling adbridge v0.1.0 (/home/kdar/dev/adbridge)
error[E0432]: unresolved import `types::Device`
  --> src/lib.rs:12:13
12 | use types::{Device, DeviceDescriptor, DeviceState, Status};
   |             ^^^^^^ no `Device` in `types`


Distributed under the MIT license. See LICENSE for more information.


  1. Fork it (https://github.com/kdar/cargo-first/fork)
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b feature/fooBar)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some fooBar')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin feature/fooBar)
  5. Create a new Pull Request


~55K SLoC