Cargo Features

care-game = { version = "0.0.1", default-features = false, features = ["f64", "graphics", "window", "compute", "async-custom", "async-tokio", "async-tokio-single-thread"] }
default = async-tokio, compute, graphics, window

These default features are set whenever care-game is added without default-features = false somewhere in the dependency tree.


Use 64 bit floats instead of 32 bit floats everywhere

Affects math::Fl

graphics default window

Enables image, pollster ^0.3, rusttype, and wgpu ^23

Affects compute::get_texture_from_binding, care-game::graphics

window default = graphics

Enables winit

Affects care-game::window

compute default

Enables wrgpgpu

Affects care-game::compute

async-tokio default

Enables rt-multi-thread of tokio


Enables rt of tokio


Includes basic task execution capabilities