#internet-computer #benchmark #canister #ic #perf #heap-memory


The rust library for canbench, the benchmarking framework for canisters on the Internet Computer

2 releases

0.1.1 Feb 9, 2024
0.1.0 Feb 9, 2024

#29 in #heap-memory

Download history 16/week @ 2024-02-05 13/week @ 2024-02-12 50/week @ 2024-02-19 102/week @ 2024-02-26 82/week @ 2024-03-04 68/week @ 2024-03-11 126/week @ 2024-03-18 71/week @ 2024-03-25 147/week @ 2024-04-01

415 downloads per month
Used in 2 crates


123 lines

Apache-2.0 Chat on the Forum


canbench is a tool for benchmarking canisters on the Internet Computer.


Canister smart contracts on the Internet Computer consume compute and memory resources. Given that resources are finite, there are bounds in place when canisters execute a message (transaction):

  1. Instructions: a monotonically increasing counter that's corelated with the amount of computation and memory accesses.
  2. Dirty Pages: the number of memory pages that are written to.

A single message execution must stay within the allowed bounds, otherwise it's terminated. canbench provides developers the tools and insights to understand how their code is using these resources.

Use Cases

  • Understanding how a canister consumes instructions, heap memory, and stable memory.
  • Detecting performance regressions locally or on CI.
  • Analyzing where performance bottlenecks are present.


  • Metrics that are relevant

    Typically benchmarking tools run a benchmark multiple times and return the average time. On the Internet Computer, where instrumentation is deterministic, this approach is neither ideal nor insightful. Instead, canbench reports the number of instructions consumed, as well as changes to both heap and stable memories.

  • Easy detection of regressions

    canbench allows you to persist the benchmarking results in your canister's repository. Storing the benchmarking results allows canbench to determine how the performance has changed relative to the past to detect regressions.

  • Generous instruction limit

    While messages on the Internet Computer are bound to a few billion instructions, canbench can run benchmarks that are up to 10 trillion instructions, giving you the freedom to write resource-intensive benchmarks as needed.

  • Language Agnostic

    canbench can, in theory, benchmark canisters written in any language. Initially support for only Rust exists, but support for additional languages can easily be introduced.


cargo install canbench

Quickstart (Rust)

See the crate's documentation.

Github CI Support

canbench can be included in Github CI to automatically detect performance changes. Have a look at the workflows in this repository for working examples. A github CI action looks like the following. Note you'll need to copy the scripts in the scripts directory to your own repository and update <PATH/TO/YOUR/CANISTER>.

    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      - name: Checkout current PR
        uses: actions/checkout@v4

      - name: Checkout main branch
        uses: actions/checkout@v4
          ref: main
          path: _canbench_main_branch

      - name: Install Rust
        run: |
          rustup update $RUST_VERSION --no-self-update
          rustup default $RUST_VERSION
          rustup target add wasm32-unknown-unknown

      - name: Benchmark
        run: |
          bash ./scripts/ci_run_benchmark.sh $PROJECT_DIR

      - name: Post comment
        uses: thollander/actions-comment-pull-request@v2
          filePath: /tmp/canbench_comment_message.txt
          comment_tag: ${{ env.PROJECT_DIR }}

      - name: Pass or fail
        run: |
          bash ./scripts/ci_post_run_benchmark.sh

Once you have the CI job above set up, the job will pass if there are no significant performance changes detected and fail otherwise. A comment is added to the PR to show the results. See this PR for an example.


~59K SLoC