Calloop is used at run time in 731 crates (of which 706 optionally). It is a direct run-time dependency in 15 crates. It's used only as a dev dependency in 155 crates.

Number of dependers Calloop version Downloads/month
2 0.13.0 9.1K
746 0.12.4 170K
24 0.10.6 64K
12 0.9.3 37K
2 0.7.2 29
6 0.6.5 6.6K
94 0.4.4 2.4K
Depender (with downloads and own rev deps) Calloop version
423K 633 winit ^0.12.3
138K 1 calloop-wayland-source ^0.13.0
344K 24 smithay-client-toolkit optional ^0.12.1
7.3K 1 i-slint-backend-linuxkms ^0.12.3
1.2K 2 floem-winit ^0.12.3
3.6K 6 druid-shell optional ^0.7.2
1.1K 2 reis optional ^0.13.0
smithay ^0.9.0
1 layershellev ^0.12.3
calloop-notify ^0.10.1
calloop-dbus ^0.6
wattbar ^0.9.3
calloop-subproc ^0.10.0
swsurface ^0.4.2
shikane ^0.10.4