1 stable release
1.0.0 | Sep 29, 2024 |
#2 in #openapitools
Rust API client for openapi
No description provided (generated by Openapi Generator https://github.com/openapitools/openapi-generator)
This API client was generated by the OpenAPI Generator project. By using the openapi-spec from a remote server, you can easily generate an API client.
- API version: 1.0
- Package version: 1.0
- Generator version: 7.8.0
- Build package:
Put the package under your project folder in a directory named openapi
and add the following to Cargo.toml
under [dependencies]
openapi = { path = "./openapi" }
Documentation for API Endpoints
All URIs are relative to http://localhost
Class | Method | HTTP request | Description |
ExamsApi | get_group_exams | GET /api/exams/{groupId} | Gets all exams for group |
GroupsApi | get_groups | GET /api/groups | Gets all groups |
KtpApi | get_ktps | GET /api/ktp/{lessonId} | Gets all ktps |
LessonsApi | get_lessons | GET /api/lessons | Gets all lessons |
PracticesApi | get_practices | GET /api/practices | Gets all practices for group |
ScheduleChangeApi | get_schedule_additions | GET /api/schedulechange/additions/{groupId} | Gets all schedule additions for group |
ScheduleChangeApi | get_schedule_moves | GET /api/schedulechange/move/{groupId} | Gets all schedule moves for group |
SchedulesApi | get_schedule_actuality | GET /api/schedules/actuality | Gets the schedule actuality |
SchedulesApi | get_schedule_for_date | GET /api/schedules/groups/{groupId}/date | Get schedule for date |
SchedulesApi | get_schedule_for_groups | GET /api/schedules/groups | Gets schedule for users subscribed groups |
SchedulesApi | get_schedule_for_teachers | GET /api/schedules/teachers | Gets schedule for user subscribed teachers |
SchedulesApi | get_week | GET /api/schedules/week | Gets current week |
SchedulesApi | get_works_schedule | GET /api/schedules/works | Get works schedule |
TeachersApi | get_teachers | GET /api/teachers | Gets all teachers |
WorksApi | get_works | GET /api/works/{groupId} | Gets all works for group |
Documentation For Models
- BooleanServiceResponse
- CheckForUpdate
- DateOnlyServiceResponse
- DayOfWeek
- EducationTypes
- Exam
- ExamListServiceResponse
- ExamServiceResponse
- GetKtpDto
- GetKtpDtoListServiceResponse
- GetKtpWorksDto
- GetLessonTasksDto
- GetLessonTasksDtoServiceResponse
- GetScheduleAdmin
- GetScheduleForListOfGroups
- GetScheduleForListOfGroupsListServiceResponse
- GetScheduleForOneGroup
- GetScheduleForOneGroupListServiceResponse
- GetSkippedLessonsDto
- GetSkippedLessonsDtoServiceResponse
- GetWorksForAllLessonsGroupDto
- GetWorksForAllLessonsGroupDtoListServiceResponse
- GetWorksGroupDto
- GetWorksScheduleDto
- GetWorksScheduleDtoListServiceResponse
- Group
- GroupListServiceResponse
- GroupServiceResponse
- HttpStatusCode
- Int32ServiceResponse
- Ktp
- KtpServiceResponse
- Lesson
- LessonSchedule
- LessonScheduleServiceResponse
- LessonScheduleWithWork
- LessonServiceResponse
- Practice
- PracticeListServiceResponse
- PracticeServiceResponse
- ScheduleAdd
- ScheduleAddDto
- ScheduleAddListServiceResponse
- ScheduleAddServiceResponse
- ScheduleMove
- ScheduleMoveDto
- ScheduleMoveServiceResponse
- SetSemesterDto
- StringServiceResponse
- SyncLessonTasksDto
- SyncSkippedLessonsDto
- Teacher
- TeacherServiceResponse
- UpdateKtpDto
- UpdateLessonDto
- UpdateTeacherDto
- User
- UserServiceResponse
- Work
- WorkListServiceResponse
- WorkTypeEnum
To get access to the crate's generated documentation, use:
cargo doc --open
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