#report #utility #borg #health-check #command-line-tool #env-file #borgbackup

app borgreport

Summarize the status of multiple BorgBackup repositories in one report

2 unstable releases

new 0.2.0 Oct 13, 2024
0.1.0 Oct 2, 2024

#84 in Command line utilities

Download history 129/week @ 2024-09-27 38/week @ 2024-10-04 179/week @ 2024-10-11

346 downloads per month


1.5K SLoC

Rust 1.5K SLoC // 0.1% comments Shell 164 SLoC // 0.2% comments Handlebars 14 SLoC // 0.3% comments


REUSE status standard-readme compliant AUR package

Summarize the status of multiple BorgBackup repositories in one report

This is a wrapper around BorgBackup to query the latest backup archives and perform health checks on repositories.

  • Summarize status of BorgBackup repositories with statistics, warnings and error messages.
    • Save the report as file or send per mail.
  • Perform simple sanity checks
    • Warn about empty backup sources or repositories
    • Warn if the age of the last backup exceeds a threshold (24 hours by default)
  • Execute borg check as part of the report (optional).
  • Plays nice as systemd service and timer.

Table of Contents


  • Arch Linux users can use the AUR package.
  • Debian packages are published in the Releases section.
  • Standalone binaries are published in the Releases section
  • Install standalone binaries with cargo binstall cargo binstall borgreport
  • Compile from source via cargo cargo install borgreport


borgreport takes a directory with *.env files as input. Each file must contain environment variables as understood by BorgBackup to access a repository. The filename will be shown as name of the repository in the report.

# Create an env file with the BORG_* variables for each repo
$ mkdir repos
$ cat repos/somerepo.env

# Print the report to stdout and run `borg check` against the repos
borgreport --env-dir repos --check

# Send report via `sendmail` to admin@host.invalid
borgreport --env-dir repos --mail-to admin@example.com

The systemd unit expects the *.env files in folder /etc/borgreport/repos or in ~/.config/borgreport/repos when run as user unit.


The *.env file can contain additional BORGREPORT_* variables to change the report.

Please check the man page for all available options or run man 1 borgreport.

# A list of space separated archive globs to include multiple archives per repository. (Default: "")
# Example: "etc-* srv-*" for archive names starting with etc- or srv-.
# Enables the execution of ‘borg check‘. (Default: false)
# Threshold to warn, when the last backup is older than <HOURS>. (Default: 24)

BORGREPORT_* variables are interpreted in the following sequence overruling previous values.

  1. Environment variable passed directly to borgreport
  2. Repository configuration as read from the *.env file
  3. Command line argument passed to borgreport (if applicable)

Example Report

==== Backup report (2024-09-29) ====

=== Errors ===

  * data1: Data integrity error: Invalid segment entry header [segment 0, offset 530]: unpack requires a buffer of 9 bytes
   Finished full repository check, errors found.

=== Warnings ===

  * web1: Repository is empty

=== Summary ===

| Repository          | Hostname | Last archive             | Start      | Duration | Source | Δ Archive | ∑ Repository |
| web1                |          |                          | 0000-01-01 |      0ns |     0B |        0B |           0B |
| web2                | host2    | 2024-09-29T14:19:43Z     | 2024-09-29 |   17.1ms |  5.3kB |       3kB |          3kB |
| data1               | host2    | 2024-09-29T14:19:44Z     | 2024-09-29 |     15ms |  5.3kB |       3kB |          3kB |
| media               | host3    | etc-2024-09-29T14:19:45Z | 2024-09-29 |   14.4ms |  5.3kB |      505B |        3.5kB |
| media               | host3    | srv-2024-09-29T14:19:45Z | 2024-09-29 |    2.5ms |  5.3kB |      503B |        3.5kB |

=== `borg check` result ===

| Repository          | Archive                  | Duration | Okay |
| web1                |                          |  223.4ms |  yes |
| web2                | 2024-09-29T14:19:43Z     |     6.7s |  yes |
| data1               | 2024-09-29T14:19:44Z     |   10.38s |   no |
| media               | etc-2024-09-29T14:19:45Z |    4.53s |  yes |
| media               | srv-2024-09-29T14:19:45Z |  14:02.2 |  yes |

Generated Sun, 29 Sep 2024 16:19:48 +0200 (borgreport 0.1.0)


  • BorgBackup the deduplicating archiver with compression and authenticated encryption.
  • borgreport is inspired by the status report feature of rsbackup. A brilliant orchestrator for rsync-based backups.


Please feel free to open an issue at GitHub.


Copyright © 2024 Philipp Micheel bbx0+borgreport@bitdevs.de

This project conforms to the REUSE Specification, where each file contains a comment header with licensing information. See REUSE.toml for exceptions.

The borgreport source code is distributed under the GNU General Public License v3.0 or later. Part of the documentation is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution Share Alike 4.0 International license and some files are licensed under the Creative Commons Zero v1.0 Universal license.

The borgreport source code does not bundle any third-party libraries, but third-party libraries are statically linked into the binary distribution. See LICENSE-THIRD-PARTY.md for details.


~424K SLoC