Cargo Features

big-o-test = { version = "0.2.12", default-features = false, features = ["report_stdout", "report_stderr", "no_report", "tolerance_10_percent", "tolerance_25_percent", "no_allocator_metrics"] }
default = report_stdout, tolerance_10_percent

These default features are set whenever big-o-test is added without default-features = false somewhere in the dependency tree.

report_stdout default

Report generation options
Shows the algorithm analysis report for each test -- sending to stdout

Affects features::OUTPUT


Shows the algorithm analysis report for each test -- sending to stderr

Affects features::OUTPUT


Don't mess with nither stderr nor stdout -- do not show any report.

tolerance_10_percent default

-- the same behavior as not specifying neither report_stdout nor report_stderr.

Measurement tolerance options Accepts measurement discrepancies of up to 10% -- for machines not performing any other work other than running the tests

Affects features::PERCENT_TOLERANCE


-- this behavior is the default if no tollerance_*_percent feature is specifyed Accepts measurement discrepancies of up to 25% -- for machines running other tasks along with the tests

Affects features::PERCENT_TOLERANCE


If you don't want to change the global allocator (injecting our metrics probe in it), use this feature