bevy_diagnostic is used at run time in 1,280 crates (of which 98 optionally). It is a direct run-time dependency in 7 crates. It's used only as a dev dependency in 105 crates.

Number of dependers bevy_diagnostic version Downloads/month
3 0.16.0-rc.2 3.6K
552 0.15.3 35K
230 0.14.2 18K
113 0.13.2 8.4K
113 0.12.1 6.0K
68 0.11.3 6.5K
60 0.10.1 4.1K
62 0.9.1 3.5K
56 0.8.1 3.7K
43 0.7.0 2.1K
27 0.6.0 2.0K
38 0.5.0 2.2K
13 0.4.0 1.3K
2 0.3.0 500
2 0.2.1 210
3 0.1.3 180
Depender (with downloads and own rev deps) bevy_diagnostic version
97K 13 bevy_internal ^0.15.3
97K 86 bevy_render ^0.15.3
7.6K 3 bevy_dev_tools ^0.15.3
4.9K 8 bevy_framepace ^0.15.0
3.9K bevy_wgpu ^0.5.0
6 bevy_ui_extras ^0.15
1 bevy_stardust optional ^0.15