bb8-postgres is used at run time in 19 crates (of which 8 optionally). It's used only as a dev dependency in 2 crates (of which 1 directly).

Number of dependers bb8-postgres version Downloads/month
15 0.8.1 26K
4 0.7.0 1.4K
1 0.4.0 63
1 0.3.1 9
Depender (with downloads and own rev deps) bb8-postgres version
59K 27 opendal optional ^0.8.1
380 eventsourced-postgres ^0.8
750 2 fang optional ^0.8
700 db-pool optional ^0.8.1
eventific_postgres ^0.3.0
mootranscode ^0.7
1 dojo-orm ^0.8.1
thalo-postgres ^0.7
actix-postgres ~0.8.0
outbox-relay ^0.7
c3p0_pg_async ^0.4
restapi ^0.8.1
puff-rs ^0.8.1
340 vinted-rs optional ^0.8
140 schema_guard optional ^0.8.0
bb8-aykroyd optional ^0.8
ood_persistence optional ^0.7
include-postgres-sql dev ^0.8