#substrate #framework #local #key #chain #process #mixer

app baedeker

Substrate network orchestration framework

2 releases

0.1.6 Jan 16, 2025
0.1.0 Nov 30, 2023

#11 in #mixer

28 downloads per month

MIT and GPL-3.0-or-later…

1.5K SLoC

Contains (ELF exe/lib, 17MB) result/bin/baedeker


The substrate chain deployment and testing framework.

What is baedeker?

Baedeker provides chain-spec modification, key generation, and chain deployment configurator based on UniqueNetwork's chainql substrate query language.


Baedeker provides one useful primitive for applying complex object transformations in imperative fashion: mixers.

There is two mixers in baedeker:


mixin may have the following forms:

  • null: no transformation required, continue as is
  • object: continue with the provided object, extended from the base object
  • array: process every array element as separate mixin
  • function: this is where the fun begins. This mixer will be called with the two arguments: prev and final, where prev is the base object, and final is a final value with all the mixins applied.

In a nutshell, function mixin will work as a y-combinator, which in the basic form looks like


local ycombinator(f) =
	local v = f(v);

ycombinator(function(final) {
	a: 1,
	// Works like `self.a`
	b: final.a,



local renameData(prev) =
	prev {
		_data::: prev.unconfortableDataFieldName,
		unconfortableDataFieldName:: error 'was renamed to _data',
local renameDataBack(prev) =
	prev {
		unconfortableDataFieldName::: prev._data,
		_data:: error 'was renamed back',

local addField(key, value) =
	prev {_data+: {
		[key]: value,

local mixin = bdk.mixer([
	addField('b', 20),
	addField('c', 30),

	unconfortableDataFieldName: {
		a: 10,
}), {
	unconfortableDataFieldName: {
		a: 10,
		b: 20,
		c: 30,


Chopsticks: Simulates network, instead of really launching it.

Zombienet: Only intended for launching ephemeral substrate networks.


~1.5M SLoC