#launcher #game #anime #terminal #version #sdk #babylonia

yanked babylonia-terminal-sdk

A SDK for launcher for a certain anime game

1 unstable release

new 0.1.0 May 4, 2024

#17 in #anime

Download history 136/week @ 2024-04-29

136 downloads per month
Used in babylonia-terminal-cli


869 lines

Contains (DOS exe, 4KB) assets/patched.exe

Babylonia terminal

This launcher download, install your favorite anime game and dependecies for you!

For now, there is only a cli version of the launcher, but a gui one is on my radar, so stay tuned!

If you have any issue with the launcher, don't hesitate to open an issue!


Please install Rust from the official website


To install the cli version of the launcher, just start this command :

cargo install babylonia-terminal-cli

and you can just run it by doing :


Special thank

Thank to krypt0nn to made the wincompatlib library!


~744K SLoC