#decimal #decimal-number #maximum #performance #lossless #numbers #generics

nightly b10

Lossless handling of decimal numbers at maximum performance

1 unstable release

0.1.0 Jun 27, 2024

#23 in #maximum

CC0 license

564 lines

Decimal Numbers For The Rust Programming Language

The API provides intuitive and reliable operations at maximum performance. Both parse and format options strictly preserve the numeric values during conversion. Aritmetic operations are lossless by design. Numeric overflows are all included in the result, and there is no rounding unless explictly mentioned otherwise.

  • Values in 64 bits instead of arbitrary-precision
  • Precissions/resolutions fixed with const generics
  • Maximised compile-time computation (with generics)

This is free and unencumbered software released into the public domain.

🚧 No stable release yet. The code base is a learning exercise for Rust in alpha stage. 🚨

No runtime deps