Cargo Features

azulc = { version = "0.0.3", default-features = false, features = ["image_loading", "ico", "tga", "hdr", "jpeg_rayon", "dxt", "webp", "pnm", "font_loading", "text_layout"] }
default = font_loading, image_loading, text_layout

These default features are set whenever azulc is added without default-features = false somewhere in the dependency tree.

image_loading default = image

On some applications you might not want to load any images. For these purposes the image crate can be disabled, to speed up compile times

Affects azulc::image, xml::layout_dom


Enables loading of ICO files on the image decoder

Enables ico of image ^0.21.2


Enables loading of TGA files on the image decoder

Enables tga of image ^0.21.2


Enables loading of HDR files on the image decoder

Enables hdr of image ^0.21.2


Enables parallel JPEG decoding on the image decoder

Enables jpeg_rayon of image ^0.21.2


Enables loading of DXT files on the image decoder

Enables dxt of image ^0.21.2


Enables loading of WEBP files on the image decoder

Enables webp of image ^0.21.2


Enables loading of PNM files on the image decoder

Enables pnm of image ^0.21.2

font_loading default = font-loader

Activates the font-loading module, important to deactivate for example

Affects azulc::font, xml::layout_dom

text_layout default

Text loading module, disable if you have a custom text layouting function

Enables text_layout of azul-layout

Affects azulc::font_loading.font_source_get_bytes

Features from optional dependencies

In crates that don't use the dep: syntax, optional dependencies automatically become Cargo features. These features may have been created by mistake, and this functionality may be removed in the future.

image dxt? hdr? ico? image_loading jpeg_rayon? pnm? tga? webp?

Enables image ^0.21.2

font-loader font_loading

Enables font-loader ^0.8.0