Cargo Features

aws_sso_flow = { version = "0.5.0", default-features = false, features = ["rustls", "aws-sdk", "async-trait"] }
default = rustls

The rustls feature is set by default whenever aws_sso_flow is added without default-features = false somewhere in the dependency tree.

rustls default

Enables rustls of aws-config, aws-sdk-sso, and aws-sdk-ssooidc


Include integration with aws-sdk

Enables aws-credential-types

The version constraint is the lowest with a compatible ProvideCredentials trait. There's no upper bound so that the version can adapt to whatever clients are using. There will be breakage if the trait changes in future, but that hopefully won't happen as often as new versions are released with additional service coverage etc.

Features from optional dependencies

async-trait implicit feature

Enables async-trait


Type erasure for async trait methods