#esolang #interpreter #poetry #esopo

bin+lib ashpaper-plus

Rust Inpterpreter for Esopo language AshPaper conceived by William Hicks

7 releases

0.5.1 Mar 6, 2021
0.5.0 Mar 6, 2021
0.4.4 Feb 28, 2021

#91 in Emulators

MIT license


.github/workflows/ci.yml Crates.io Version Crates.io Crates.io Crates.io

AshPaper Plus

A fully spec complaint inpterpreter for the Esopo language AshPaper conceived by William Hicks. You can read about it and the Esopo project in Willian Hick's own words here. Daniel Temkin also wrote about it on esoteric.codes, you can read that here. And of course the spec! Checkout that out here.



cargo install --features="cli" ashpaper-plus

With JIT Compilation

cargo install --features="cli jit" ashpaper-plus


add this to your cargo.toml

ashpaper-plus = "0.5"

With JIT Compilation

ashpaper-plus = { version = "0.5", features = ["jit"] }


From the CLI

# execute a program
ashpaper-plus poems/lovely-poem.eso # prints 24
# jit execute a program
ashpaper-plus --jit poems/lovely-poem.eso # prints 24
# count syllables
ashpaper-plus -s "hello world, born to think and not to feel" # prints 10

As a Library

use std::fs;

use ashpaper_plus as ashpaper;

pub fn main() {
    let fname = "lovely-poem.eso";
    let contents = fs::read_to_string(fname).expect("Something went wrong reading input file!");
    print!("{}", ashpaper::program::execute(&contents));
    // or for jit compilation:
    print!("{}", ashpaper::program::jit_execute(&contents).unwrap())

Will produce the following String:


How it works

Poetry is your program.

You have two registers at your disposal, r0 and r1 which store signed integers (i64). You also have an stack which can store signed integers (bounds are only that of Vec<i64> (isize::MAX = 9_223_372_036_854_775_807), or 128 for the JIT).

The register is chosen based on if a line is indented - if so, r1 and if not r0

Here are the instructions at your disposal (in order of precedence):

  • End rhyme with previous line:If register 0 < register 1, push the number of syllables present in the previous line to the stack. Otherwise, push the number of syllables in the current line to the stack.
  • Line contains /: If the value in the active register is greater than the number of syllables in the line, go to the line number that corresponds to the value in the non-active register. If abs(n) <= lines then n, else n % lines.
  • Capital letter appears inside a word: Negate the active register.
  • Capital letter appears at the beginning of a word: Multiply registers and store result in the active register.
  • Line contains the words 'like' or 'as': Add registers and store in the active register.
  • Line contains ?: Print ASCII character associated with value of the active register. If abs(n) <= u8::MAX n, else n % u8::MAX.
  • Line contains .: Print integer value of the active register.
  • Line contains ,: Pop from the stack and store in the active register.
  • Line contains -: Push the value of the active register to the stack.
  • Alleteration of consecutive words: Goto line indicated by active register
  • Blank line: no-op.
  • Everything else: Store number of syllables in the line to the active register.

Let's take this poem in a file called lovely-poem.eso. This poem-program (poegram‽) calculates factorials and input in the number of syllables in the title. (I learned a lot from reading the poem "other woodwork" by William Hicks)

lovely poem

  it is a calculator, like a
      poem, is a poem, and finds
  The input is the syllAbles
in the title, count them, as one counts
  (q) what other poem, programs can be writ
  (a) anything a Turing
    would do
    sion works too, in poems, programs, and this
       a lovely.
poem or a calculator or nothing
how lovely can it be?

When RUST_LOG=info is set in the envrionment varables for the cli, you can get at program evaluation info. Here's what lovely-poem.eso looks like.

instruction                                         |  r0  |  r1  |  stack
--------------------------------------------------- | ---- | ---- | -------
lovely poem                                         |  4   |  0   | []
                                                    |  4   |  0   | []
  it is a calculator, like a                        |  4   |  4   | []
      poem, is a poem, and finds                    |  4   |  4   | []
        factori-                                    |  4   |  4   | [4]
          als                                       |  4   |  1   | [4]
  The input is the syllAbles                        |  4   |  -1  | [4]
in the title, count them, as one counts             |  3   |  -1  | [4]
  (q) what other poem, programs can be writ         |  3   |  4   | []
  (a) anything a Turing                             |  3   |  12  | []
    machine-machine-machine                         |  3   |  12  | [12]
    would do                                        |  3   |  2   | [12]
  it is a calculator, like a                        |  3   |  5   | [12]
      poem, is a poem, and finds                    |  3   |  12  | []
        factori-                                    |  3   |  12  | [12]
          als                                       |  3   |  1   | [12]
  The input is the syllAbles                        |  3   |  -1  | [12]
in the title, count them, as one counts             |  2   |  -1  | [12]
  (q) what other poem, programs can be writ         |  2   |  12  | []
  (a) anything a Turing                             |  2   |  24  | []
    machine-machine-machine                         |  2   |  24  | [24]
    would do                                        |  2   |  2   | [24]
re/cur                                              |  2   |  2   | [24]
    sion works too, in poems, programs, and this    |  2   |  24  | []
       a lovely.                                    |  2   |  24  | []
poem or calculator or nothing                     |  10  |  24  | []
how lovely can it be?                               |  10  |  24  | []

Caveat about compliance with the informal spec

  • It is possible at this point that my implementation deviates from the spec in unintended ways. If you spot anything like that, please raise an issue ❤️ ❤️


~138K SLoC