#data-access #shared-data #data-integrity #mutex #variables #object #facilitate


Armc is a rust implementation that facilitates Mutex access to variables

10 stable releases

1.4.5 Apr 26, 2023
1.3.3 Feb 2, 2023
1.3.2 Jan 27, 2023
1.3.1 Dec 29, 2022
1.0.0 Nov 24, 2022

#230 in Concurrency

Used in graph_event

MIT license

373 lines


Armc is a Rust library that provides a wrapper for shared data, ensuring data integrity and thread-blocking during modifications and reads.


You can add the Armc dependency to your Cargo.toml file:


   armc = "1.4.4"


To use the library, simply import it with the following code:

use armc::Armc;


Below are some of the library's features:

Creating an Armc object

To create an Armc object, simply use the new method and pass the data you want to store:

let armc = Armc::new(5);


Accessing the data of an Armc object You can access the stored data by blocking possible mutations. Multiple accesses can be done in parallel.

let data = armc.lock_ref();
println!("Data: {:?}", data);


Modifying data of an Armc object To modify the data of an Armc object, you need to use the lock method, which will block all mutation accesses:

let mut data = armc.lock();
*data = 10;
println!("Data: {:?}", data);

Cloning an Armc object

You can clone an Armc object using the clone method:

let armc_clone = armc.clone();
println!("Data: {:?}", *armc_clone.lock_ref());

The macro object! and its derivatives

One set of macros that might be useful for Rust programmers are the object!, object_with_new!, object_ref_access!, and object_mut_access! macros. These macros are designed to simplify the creation of structs with thread-safe access to their fields.

The object! macro creates a struct with fields wrapped in an ARMC (Atomic Reference-Counting Mutex) to allow thread-safe mutation. The macro retains the name of the macro for the name of the struct.

The object_with_new! macro is similar to the object! macro, but it also generates a constructor method named new that takes in the initial values for each field.

The object_ref_access! macro is similar to the object_with_new! macro, but it also generates getter methods for each field.

The object_mut_access! macro is similar to the object_ref_access! macro, but it also generates mutable setter methods for each field with the suffix _mut. Attention! you need a crate paste dependency in your project for object_mut_access to work.

paste = "1.0.12"

These macros are designed to save time and effort when creating structs with thread-safe access to their fields, and can be used in the following way:

extern crate my_crate;

object_mut_access!(MyStruct {
    foo: u32,
    bar: String,

let mut my_struct = MyStruct::new(42, "hello".to_string());

assert_eq!(*my_struct.foo(), 42);

assert_eq!(*my_struct.foo(), 13);

For more information on the implementation of these macros, see the documentation for each individual macro.


Contributions are welcome! Feel free to open an issue or submit a pull request.
