#arguments-parser #cli-parser #arguments #declarative-macro #cli #parser


Declarative macro commandline parser (inspired by argwerk)

4 releases (1 stable)

1.0.0 Aug 31, 2024
0.1.2 Aug 28, 2024
0.1.1 Aug 27, 2024
0.1.0 Aug 26, 2024

#467 in Command-line interface

Download history 178/week @ 2024-08-21 258/week @ 2024-08-28 23/week @ 2024-09-04

459 downloads per month
Used in refold

MIT AND BSD-2-Clause

395 lines

Declarative macro commandline parser (inspired by argwerk).

argtea attempts to reduce abstraction and maximize flexibility.

Comparison to argwerk

argtea argwerk
Boilerplate More Less
--flag=value syntax Yes No
-sw 80 <=> -s -w 80 syntax Yes No
OsString argument support No Yes
Customizable help message formatting Yes Yes*
Help message generation Yes Yes*

[*] At runtime

Example project

use argtea::{argtea_impl, simple_format};

pub struct Arguments {
    output_path: String,
    files: Vec<String>,

fn main() -> Result<(), String> {
    let args = Arguments::parse()?;

    println!("input files: {:?}", args.files);
    println!("output file: {:?}", args.output_path);


argtea_impl! {
        /// Displays this help message.
        ("--help" | "-h") => {
            eprintln!("{}", Self::HELP);


        /// Sets the output file path.
        ("--output" | "-o", output_path) => {
            output_path_ = output_path;

        /// Adds a file as an input.
        /// To input a file that starts with a `-`, prefix it with a `./`
        (file) => {
            if file.starts_with("-") {
                return Err(format!("invalid flag `{file}`"));

    impl Arguments {
        const HELP: &'static str = simple_format!(
            "argtea_test: a demo argtea project"
            "Usage: "
            "  `argtea_test [FLAGS] [FILES]`"

        fn parse() -> Result<Self, String> {
            let mut files = Vec::new();
            let mut output_path_ = None;


            return Ok(Self {
                output_path: output_path_.unwrap_or_else(|| "a.out".to_owned())

output from argtea_test -h:

argtea_test: a demo argtea project

  `argtea_test [FLAGS] [FILES]`

  --help, -h
    Displays this help message.

  --output, -o <output_path>
    Sets the output file path.

    Adds a file as an input.

    To input a file that starts with a `-`, prefix it with a `./`

No runtime deps