#grpc-server #requests #aoc #service #year #day #aocrunner

bin+lib aocrun

gRPC server to take AoC solve requests and respond with answers

1 unstable release

0.1.0 May 11, 2023

#42 in #year

MIT license

146 lines


Aocrun provides a gRPC server implementation to take requests containing year, day, and optional data string. Refer to aocrunner.proto for the service, the request, and the response formats.

See documentation.


Make sure aocdata service is set up before proceeding further.

Replace podman with docker according to the avaialbe container utility. Aocdata server's URL must be provided as an environment variable AOC_DATA_URL to the container. e.g. AOC_DATA_URL="http://localhost:31370"

$ git clone https://gitlab.com/aoc3913919/aocrun
$ cd aocrun
$ podman build -t aocrun -f ./Containerfile
$ podman run -dt --name aocrun_container -p 41470:4147 -e AOC_DATA_URL=__AocdataUrl__ aocrun

How it works

  • After starting the server, send request as Attributes to the unary RPC GetAnswer mentioning the year and the day fields (Optionally, input data can also be provided as a field).
  • The answer is sent as Answer.
  • The input data is queried from Aocdata server if the input field is not provided in Attributes.


~748K SLoC