#builder-pattern #snippets #abstraction #annotate #slice #annotations #annotate-snippets

yanked annotate_snippets_builder

Builder pattern abstraction for the annotate-snippets crate

0.1.1 Nov 20, 2022

#8 in #annotate

MIT license

162 lines

Builder pattern abstraction for the annotate-snippets crate.

use annotate_snippets_builder::{Annotation, AnnotationType, DisplayList, Slice, Snippet};
use stringx::Join;

fn main() {
	let src_1 = include_str!("./lex_invalid.rym").lines().skip(2).join("\n");

	let snippet = Snippet::new()
				.label("Unexpected character"),
			Slice {
				source: &src_1,
				line_start: 3,
			.annotation((3, 4), AnnotationType::Error, "invalid")
			.annotation((26, 32), AnnotationType::Error, "invalid"),
			Slice {
				source: "Ident::Test",
				line_start: 129,
			.annotation((0, 11), AnnotationType::Warning, "Unused"),

	let dl = DisplayList::from(snippet);
	println!("\n{}", dl.to_string());

How to install.

cargo add annotate_snippets_builder

