Cargo Features

alloy = { version = "0.1.3", default-features = false, features = ["std", "full", "reqwest", "reqwest-rustls-tls", "reqwest-native-tls", "hyper", "wasm-bindgen", "consensus", "contract", "eips", "genesis", "network", "node-bindings", "providers", "provider-http", "provider-ws", "provider-ipc", "provider-admin-api", "provider-anvil-api", "provider-debug-api", "provider-engine-api", "provider-trace-api", "provider-txpool-api", "provider-anvil-node", "pubsub", "rpc", "json-rpc", "rpc-client", "rpc-client-ws", "rpc-client-ipc", "rpc-types", "rpc-types-admin", "rpc-types-anvil", "rpc-types-beacon", "rpc-types-debug", "rpc-types-engine", "rpc-types-eth", "rpc-types-json", "rpc-types-trace", "rpc-types-txpool", "signers", "signer-aws", "signer-gcp", "signer-ledger", "signer-ledger-browser", "signer-ledger-node", "signer-local", "signer-trezor", "signer-keystore", "signer-mnemonic", "signer-mnemonic-all-languages", "signer-yubihsm", "transports", "transport-http", "transport-ipc", "transport-ipc-mock", "transport-ws", "dyn-abi", "json-abi", "json", "sol-types", "tiny-keccak", "native-keccak", "asm-keccak", "postgres", "getrandom", "rand", "rlp", "serde", "ssz", "k256", "kzg", "eip712", "arbitrary"] }

----------------------------------------- Configuration ----------------------------------------

default = reqwest, std

These default features are set whenever alloy is added without default-features = false somewhere in the dependency tree.

std default

Enables std of optional alloy-consensus


and std of optional alloy-serde


and std of alloy-core, optional alloy-eips, and optional alloy-genesis



full = consensus, contract, eips, k256, kzg, network, provider-http, provider-ipc, provider-ws, rpc-types, signer-local
reqwest default


Enables reqwest and reqwest-default-tls of optional alloy-transport-http and reqwest


and reqwest of optional alloy-provider and optional alloy-rpc-client




Enables reqwest, reqwest and reqwest-rustls-tls of optional alloy-transport-http, reqwest of optional alloy-provider and optional alloy-rpc-client


Enables reqwest, reqwest and reqwest-native-tls of optional alloy-transport-http, reqwest of optional alloy-provider and optional alloy-rpc-client


Enables hyper, hyper of optional alloy-provider, optional alloy-rpc-client, and optional alloy-transport-http


Enables wasm-bindgen of optional alloy-transport


consensus full?

---------------------------------------- Main re-exports ---------------------------------------


Enables alloy-consensus

contract full? = dyn-abi, json, json-abi, providers, sol-types

Enables alloy-contract

eips full? providers?

Enables alloy-eips


Enables alloy-genesis

network full?

Enables alloy-network

node-bindings provider-anvil-node?

Enables alloy-node-bindings, anvil-node of optional alloy-provider

providers contract? provider-admin-api? provider-anvil-api? provider-anvil-node? provider-debug-api? provider-engine-api? provider-http? provider-ipc? provider-trace-api? provider-txpool-api? provider-ws? = eips, rpc-client

Enables alloy-provider

Affects alloy::providers

provider-http full? = providers, transport-http
provider-ws full? = providers, transport-ws

Enables ws of optional alloy-provider

provider-ipc full? = providers, transport-ipc

Enables ipc of optional alloy-provider

provider-admin-api = providers, rpc-types-admin

Enables admin-api of optional alloy-provider

provider-anvil-api provider-anvil-node? = providers, rpc-types-anvil

Enables anvil-api of optional alloy-provider

provider-debug-api = providers, rpc-types-trace

Enables debug-api of optional alloy-provider

provider-engine-api = providers, rpc-types-engine

Enables engine-api of optional alloy-provider

provider-trace-api = providers, rpc-types-trace

Enables trace-api of optional alloy-provider

provider-txpool-api = providers, rpc-types-txpool

Enables txpool-api of optional alloy-provider

provider-anvil-node = node-bindings, provider-anvil-api, providers

Enables anvil-node of optional alloy-provider

pubsub transport-ipc? transport-ws?

Enables alloy-pubsub, pubsub of optional alloy-rpc-client, pubsub of optional alloy-contract and optional alloy-provider

Affects alloy::pubsub

rpc json-rpc? rpc-client? rpc-types?

Affects alloy::rpc

json-rpc = rpc

Enables alloy-json-rpc


rpc-client providers? rpc-client-ipc? rpc-client-ws? = rpc

Enables alloy-rpc-client

rpc-client-ws = rpc-client

Enables ws of optional alloy-rpc-client

rpc-client-ipc = rpc-client

Enables ipc of optional alloy-rpc-client

rpc-types full? rpc-types-admin? rpc-types-anvil? rpc-types-beacon? rpc-types-debug? rpc-types-engine? rpc-types-eth? rpc-types-json? rpc-types-trace? rpc-types-txpool? = rpc

Enables eth of alloy-rpc-types

rpc-types-admin provider-admin-api? = rpc-types

Enables admin-api of optional alloy-provider, admin of optional alloy-rpc-types

rpc-types-anvil provider-anvil-api? = rpc-types

Enables anvil-api of optional alloy-provider, anvil of optional alloy-rpc-types

rpc-types-beacon = rpc-types

Enables beacon of optional alloy-rpc-types

rpc-types-debug = rpc-types

Enables debug-api of optional alloy-provider

rpc-types-engine provider-engine-api? = rpc-types

Enables engine-api of optional alloy-provider, engine of optional alloy-rpc-types

rpc-types-eth = rpc-types

Enables eth of optional alloy-rpc-types

rpc-types-json = rpc-types

Enables jsonrpsee-types of optional alloy-rpc-types

rpc-types-trace provider-debug-api? provider-trace-api? = rpc-types

Enables trace-api of optional alloy-provider, trace of optional alloy-rpc-types

rpc-types-txpool provider-txpool-api? = rpc-types

Enables txpool-api of optional alloy-provider, txpool of optional alloy-rpc-types

signers signer-aws? signer-gcp? signer-ledger? signer-local? signer-trezor?

Enables alloy-signer


Affects alloy::signers

signer-aws = signers

Enables alloy-signer-aws

signer-gcp = signers

Enables alloy-signer-gcp

signer-ledger signer-ledger-browser? signer-ledger-node? = signers

Enables alloy-signer-ledger

signer-ledger-browser = signer-ledger

Enables browser of optional alloy-signer-ledger


WASM support

signer-ledger-node = signer-ledger

Enables node of optional alloy-signer-ledger

signer-local full? signer-keystore? signer-mnemonic? signer-yubihsm? = signers

Enables alloy-signer-local

signer-trezor = signers

Enables alloy-signer-trezor

signer-keystore = signer-local

Enables keystore of optional alloy-signer-local

signer-mnemonic signer-mnemonic-all-languages? = signer-local

Enables mnemonic of optional alloy-signer-local

signer-mnemonic-all-languages = signer-mnemonic

Enables mnemonic-all-languages of optional alloy-signer-local

signer-yubihsm = signer-local

Enables yubihsm of optional alloy-signer-local

transports transport-http? transport-ipc? transport-ws?

Enables alloy-transport

Affects alloy::transports

transport-http provider-http? = transports

Enables alloy-transport-http

transport-ipc provider-ipc? = pubsub, transports

Enables alloy-transport-ipc


Enables mock of optional alloy-transport-ipc

transport-ws provider-ws? = pubsub, transports

Enables alloy-transport-ws

dyn-abi contract?

---------------------------------------- Core re-exports ---------------------------------------

Enables dyn-abi of alloy-core

json-abi contract?

Enables json-abi of alloy-core

json contract?

Enables json of alloy-core

sol-types contract?

Enables sol-types of alloy-core


Enables tiny-keccak of alloy-core


Enables native-keccak of alloy-core


Enables asm-keccak of alloy-core


Enables postgres of alloy-core


Enables getrandom of alloy-core


Enables rand of alloy-core


Enables rlp of alloy-core


Enables alloy-serde, serde of alloy-core and optional alloy-eips


Enables ssz of alloy-core and optional alloy-rpc-types

k256 full?

Enables k256 of optional alloy-consensus, alloy-core, optional alloy-eips, optional alloy-network, and optional alloy-rpc-types

kzg full?

Enables kzg of optional alloy-consensus and optional alloy-rpc-types


Enables eip712 of alloy-core, optional alloy-signer, optional alloy-signer-aws, optional alloy-signer-gcp, and optional alloy-signer-ledger


Enables arbitrary of optional alloy-consensus, alloy-core, optional alloy-eips, and optional alloy-rpc-types