Cargo Features

alloy-transport-http = { version = "0.11.1", default-features = false, features = ["reqwest", "hyper", "hyper-tls", "jwt-auth", "reqwest-default-tls", "reqwest-native-tls", "reqwest-rustls-tls"] }
default = reqwest, reqwest-default-tls

These default features are set whenever alloy-transport-http is added without default-features = false somewhere in the dependency tree.

reqwest default

Enables alloy-json-rpc, reqwest, serde_json, tower, and tracing

hyper hyper-tls? jwt-auth?

Enables alloy-json-rpc, http-body-util, hyper, hyper-util, serde_json, tower, and tracing

hyper-tls = hyper

Enables hyper-tls

jwt-auth = hyper

Enables jsonwebtoken, jwt and serde of alloy-rpc-types-engine

reqwest-default-tls default

Enables default-tls of optional reqwest


Note: this doesn't enable the 'native-tls' feature, which adds specific functionality for it.


Enables native-tls of optional reqwest


Enables native-tls specific functionality not available by default.


Enables rustls-tls of optional reqwest

alloy-transport-http has 8 features without comments.