3 releases (breaking)

0.3.0 Jan 16, 2021
0.2.0 Nov 26, 2020
0.1.0 Nov 26, 2020

#4 in #dm


280 lines

Alibaba Cloud OpenAPI SDK for Rust

Github Actions Crate

The Alibaba Cloud SDK for Rust allows you to access Alibaba Cloud services such as Elastic Compute Service (ECS), Object Storage Service(OSS), Direct Mail (DM) etc.
You can access Alibaba Cloud services without the need to handle API related tasks, such as signing and constructing your requests.

How to start?

Please install aliyun command line from https://github.com/aliyun/aliyun-cli first, then config the credential info with following command:

$ aliyun configure

OSS example

use aliyun_openapi::prelude::*;
use std::str::from_utf8;
use bytes::{Bytes, Buf};

async fn main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
    let endpoint = "oss-cn-hangzhou.aliyuncs.com";
    let ref http_client = reqwest::Client::new();
    let oss = OSS { endpoint, http_client };
    let bytes: Bytes = oss.get_object("eren-assets", "hello.txt").await?;
    print!("object: {}", from_utf8(bytes.bytes()).unwrap());



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