
no-std aligned_ptr

Wrappers of functions defined in core::ptr and core::slice modules with alignment and null checks

1 unstable release

0.1.0 Jun 9, 2021

#329 in No standard library


157 lines


A Rust library that ensures a pointer is aligned correctly before dereferencing it.

This library contains unsafe functions defined in core::ptr and core::slice (except read_unaligned and write_unaligned). All functions defined in this crate check whether the passed pointers are aligned correctly and not null.

This crate is intended to prevent from dereferencing to the unaligned address. For example the below code example panics because p points to an unaligned address. If we import core::ptr instead of aligned_ptr::ptr, this code may run successfully. However, reading a value from unaligned pointer causes undefined behaviors (except read_unaligned).

use aligned_ptr::ptr;

fn main() {
    let x = 0xdeadbeaf_u32;
    let p = (&x as *const u32 as usize + 1) as *const u16;

    unsafe { ptr::read(p) };

This crate supports the no_std environment.


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