1 unstable release

0.1.1 Mar 28, 2024

#2325 in Cryptography

MIT license

641 lines

age-plugin-tlock: tlock plugin for age clients

Documentation License crates.io

age-plugin-tlock is a plugin for age clients like age and rage, which enables files to be encrypted to age identities represented by drand networks.

The code is still experimental. Installation is from source only at the moment.

Tables of Content


  • Online and offline decryption
  • Plugin for age
  • Compatible with age plugin API
  • Cross platform (Linux, Windows, macOS)
  • Interoperable with other tlock implementations (Go, JS, Rust)

What's next

  • Crate publication
  • Consensus on age format
  • Wider test suite


Environment CLI Command
Cargo (Rust 1.74+) cargo install --git https://github.com/thibmeu/tlock-rs age-plugin-tlock

Read age installation instructions to install age.


You can use the --help option to get more details about the command and its options.

age-plugin-tlock [OPTIONS]

Generate recipient and identity

None of the recipient or identity is secret. The identity secrecy resides in its usefulness only after a certain point in time.

Create an identity for fastnet.

age-plugin-tlock --generate --remote https://api.drand.sh/dbd506d6ef76e5f386f41c651dcb808c5bcbd75471cc4eafa3f4df7ad4e4c493 > fastnet.key

For convenience, you can also create an associated recipient

cat fastnet.key | grep 'recipient' | sed 's/.*\(age1.*\)/\1/' > fastnet.key.pub

Timelock encryption

Encrypt Hello age-plugin-tlock! string to round 30 seconds in the future, using fastnet publickey. If you wait 30 seconds before decrypting, the message is decrypted using the new fastnet signature.

echo "Hello age-plugin-tlock" | ROUND="30s" age -a -R fastnet.key.pub > data.age
age --decrypt -i fastnet.key data.age
Hello age-plugin-tlock

Security Considerations

This software has not been audited. Please use at your sole discretion. With this in mind, dee security relies on the following:


What is the age format

To operate with age tooling, age-plugin-tlock needs all informations to be available from both the recipient and identity. At encryption time, it needs a recipient. At decryption time, it needs the identity that completes the stanza information.

This format has been defined ad-hoc, and is likely to evolve in the future. It follows two design contraints. The first one is identity files need to be transferable. The second is to be offline first.


tlock <ROUND> <HASH>
  • <ROUND> is the drand beacon round number,
  • <HASH> is a drand chain hash hex encoded,

Encoded in plain text.


tlock 4641203 dbd506d6ef76e5f386f41c651dcb808c5bcbd75471cc4eafa3f4df7ad4e4c493


  • <HASH> is a drand chain hash,
  • <PUBLIC_KEY> is a drand chain public key,
  • <GENESIS> is the genesis unix time of a drand chain in seconds,
  • <PERIOD> is the period between rounds of a drand chain in seconds,

Encoded as wireformat bech32 text.



<HASH> is required to fill the stanza, nothing more. <PUBLIC_KEY> is required for tlock encryption. <GENESIS> and <PERIOD> are used to parse beacon round information. Round is provided at encryption time. This is a tradeoff between being able to reuse the same identity multiple times (one per drand chain), and having a more accurate recipient, which would be limited to round and public key information.


  • <TYPE> is 0 for RAW or 1 for HTTP. It provides flexibility on upgrading the identity between implementation and threat model,
  • <IDENTITY> is the bytes of the beacon signature corresponding to the round for RAW, and is an remote HTTP URL in case of HTTP,

Encoded as wireformat bech32 text.



Other implementations

At the time of writting, there are no other implementation of tlock as an age plugin. Recipient and identities have been defined ad-hoc according to what seemed sensible to the author.


This project is under the MIT license.


Unless you explicitly state otherwise, any contribution intentionally submitted for inclusion in the work by you shall be MIT licensed as above, without any additional terms or conditions.


~522K SLoC