#web-server #thread-pool #multi-threaded #implemented #connection

bin+lib adra_multi_threaded_web_server

A multi-threaded web server implemented in Rust

1 unstable release

0.1.0 Sep 1, 2024

#349 in HTTP server

Download history 107/week @ 2024-08-26 81/week @ 2024-09-02

188 downloads per month

MIT license

110 lines

Multi-Threaded Web Server


A simple, multi-threaded web server implemented in Rust.


  • Multi-threaded architecture using a thread pool
  • TCP listener for handling incoming connections
  • Serves static HTML files (index.html, 404.html)
  • Basic HTTP response formatting


  1. Clone the repository

  2. Run the server:

    cargo run
  3. Access the server at http://localhost:7878

Implementation Details

Thread Pool

  • Manages a fixed number of worker threads
  • Distributes incoming requests across available threads

TCP Listener

  • Listens for incoming connections on port 7878
  • Passes connections to the thread pool for processing

Request Handling

  • Parses incoming HTTP requests
  • Serves index.html for root path ("/")
  • Returns 404.html for unrecognized paths

Response Format

  • HTTP-Version Status-Code Reason-Phrase CRLF //example: HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\n\r\n
  • headers CRLF
  • message-body

Sleep Simulation

  • Simulates a slow request by sleeping for 5 seconds when accessing "/sleep"

Graceful Shutdown

  • Implements the Drop trait for ThreadPool
  • Sends termination messages to all workers
  • Waits for workers to finish their current tasks before shutting down

Performance Considerations

  • Fixed thread pool size to prevent resource exhaustion
  • Efficient handling of concurrent requests
  • Potential for future improvements (e.g., connection pooling, caching)


  • src/main.rs: Main server logic
  • src/lib.rs: Thread pool implementation
  • index.html: Home page
  • 404.html: Not Found page


Contributions are welcome! Please submit a pull request or create an issue for any bugs or feature requests.


MIT License

No runtime deps