#networking #pubsub #kademlia #decentralized #signaling-server


Decentralized PubSub & messaging protocol inspired by Kademlia

5 releases

0.2.1 Nov 10, 2021
0.2.0 Nov 9, 2021
0.1.3 Nov 2, 2021
0.1.2 Oct 31, 2021
0.1.1 Oct 31, 2021

#6 in #kademlia

Custom license



Distributed PubSub and messaging protocol for decentralized real time applications.

This library offers users a simple to use, easy to understand API for a mostly automatically managed decentralized messaging system based on the Kademlia paper. Fast and reliable message exchange is possible through both direct and indirect TCP messaging.

A very simple example of how to use the library to broadcast messages on a specific topic:

use actaeon::{
    node::{Center, ToAddress},
use sodiumoxide::crypto::box_;

fn main() {
    let config = Config::new(20, 1, 100, "example.com".to_string(), 4242);
    let (_, secret) = box_::gen_keypair();
    let center = Center::new(secret, String::from(""), 1234);

    let interface = Interface::new(config, center).unwrap();

    let mut topic = interface.subscribe(&"example".to_string().to_address());

    let _ = topic.broadcast("hello world".as_bytes().to_vec());

There are still some unresolved issues:

  • Error handling for signaling & multiple signaling servers.
  • Add interior mutability for topics so the user doesn't have to declare them as mutable.
  • Handle crashed threads.


~147K SLoC