#repository #tool #workspace #link #exec #setup #multi-repo

app batl

The multi-repo development tool

1 unstable release

0.2.1 May 18, 2024
0.2.0 May 9, 2024

#5 in #exec

Download history 173/week @ 2024-05-07 186/week @ 2024-05-14 22/week @ 2024-05-21

381 downloads per month

MIT and GPL-3.0-only

1.5K SLoC


Battalion is a CLI tool for managing codebase relationships. It uses a simple heirarchy of repositories and workspaces to link codebases together when needed, and keep them separate when not.


cargo install batl
batl setup

# (optional) Install batlas
batl repository fetch battalion/batlas
batl repository exec -n battalion/batlas build
batl repository exec -n battalion/batlas install


# Create a new repository
batl repository init prototypes/awesome-project

# Create a new workspace
batl workspace init --ref prototypes/awesome-project

# Create a library
batl repository init prototypes/awesome-library

# cd into the workspace
cd $(batl workspace which prototypes/awesome-project)

# ...or if you use batlas with VSCode...
batlas prototypes/awesome-project code %!

# create a link while in directory of workspace
batl link init -n library prototypes/awesome-library

# Start building!


~509K SLoC