vec …array? …data-structures? …vector?

  1. tinyvec

    tinyvec provides 100% safe vec-like data structures

    v1.6.0 6.8M #vec #safe #array-vec #inline #structures #data-structures #enums
  2. thin-vec

    A vec that takes up less space on the stack

    v0.2.13 164K #vec #memory #capacity #memory-management #space #stack #less
  3. smallvec

    'Small vector' optimization: store up to a small number of items on the stack

    v2.0.0-alpha.5 9.5M #stack #vec #small #vector #no-std
  4. index_vec

    Newtype-style helpers for Vec and usize

    v0.1.3 11K #vec #newtype #usize #index #indexed
  5. raw-parts

    Ergonomic wrapper around Vec::from_raw_parts and Vec::into_raw_parts

    v2.0.0 1.5K #vec #unsafe #raw-pointers #ffi #no-std #vector
  6. typed-index-collections

    Typed index version of Rust slice and Vec containers

    v3.1.0 9.7K #slice #index #collection #vec #no-std
  7. staticvec

    Implements a fixed-capacity stack-allocated Vec alternative backed by an array, using const generics

    v0.11.9 600 #array #array-vec #vec #stack #vector #no-std
  8. map_vec

    The Map and Set APIs backed by Vec

    v0.5.0 170 #vec #map #set #data-structures
  9. ego-tree

    Vec-backed ID-tree

    v0.6.2 180K #tree #id #index #vec
  10. serde-tuple-vec-map

    Deserialize a serialized map to a Vec<(K, V)> in serde

    v1.0.1 21K #vec #serde #hash-map #hashmap
  11. vob

    Vector of Bits with Vec-like API and usize backing storage

    v3.0.3 4.9K #bits #usize #performance #api #vec #backing #sequence
  12. atone

    A VecDeque and Vec variant that spreads resize load across pushes

    v0.3.7 1.5K #vec-deque #vec #amortized #no-std #spread
  13. bounded-vec

    Non-empty rust Vec wrapper with type guarantees on lower and upper bounds for items quantity

    v0.7.1 118K #upper-bound #vec #non-empty #bounds #wrapper #lower #guarantees
  14. unsized-vec

    Like Vec, but for unsized values

    v0.0.2-alpha.10 #vec #unsized #heap-allocation #vector
  15. key-vec

    Vec of key-value pairs sorted by key

    v0.4.1 #key-value #pair #sorting #vec
  16. recycle_vec

    method for Vec to recycle it's backing allocation for use with another Vec of different type

    v1.1.1 250 #vec #allocation #recycle #lifetime #extension #change #data
  17. fallible_vec

    Fallible allocation functions for the Rust standard library’s Vec type

    v0.3.1 #vec #fallible #collection #no-std
  18. fixed-slice-vec

    FixedSliceVec is a dynamic length Vec with runtime-determined maximum capacity backed by a slice

    v0.10.0 2.1K #vec #slice #byte-slice #vector #no-std
  19. mediumvec

    Vector types optimized for space, including a 32-bit Vec

    v1.3.0 #vec #size #collection #small-vec #small
  20. cj_bitmask_vec

    BitmaskVec is a Vec that pairs bitmasks with T. Bitmasks u8 through u128 are supported.

    v1.0.0 #bitmask #vec #bit #binary #bit-set #vector
  21. vec1

    a std Vec wrapper assuring that it has at least 1 element

    v1.12.0 70K #vec #length #min #1
  22. hvec

    A Vec-like structure that can store different types of different sizes contiguous with each other in memory

    v0.4.0 #contiguous-memory #heterogeneous #vec #any #element #data-structures #vector
  23. tree_by_path

    A tree data structure featuring nodes addressable using a &Vec<usize> path and avoiding recursion and run-time borrow checking

    v1.0.3 #node-tree #tree-structure #tree-node #tree #data-structure #vec #data-structures
  24. litemap

    A key-value Map implementation based on a flat, sorted Vec

    v0.7.2 124K #sorting #map #btree-map #vec #hash-map #sort #b-tree-map
  25. array-bytes

    A collection of array/bytes/hex utilities

    v6.2.2 372K #array #hex #slice #vec #array-vec #no-std
  26. orx-split-vec

    An efficient constant access time vector with dynamic capacity and pinned elements

    v2.9.0 1.2K #pinned #split #vec #constant-time #fragment #fragments #array
  27. smallbitvec

    A bit vector optimized for size and inline storage

    v2.5.3 48K #bitmap #bitvec #vec #bit-vec #data-structures #heap-allocation
  28. any_vec

    Type erased vector. Most operations can be done without type knowledge. Mostly zero overhead.

    v0.13.0 4.9K #vec #container #any #send-sync
  29. orx-fixed-vec

    An efficient constant access time vector with fixed capacity and pinned elements

    v2.8.0 950 #pinned #fixed #vec #array #split #data-structures
  30. arrow-array

    Array abstractions for Apache Arrow

    v51.0.0 516K #array #apache-arrow #arrow #builder #vec #values #int32-array
  31. orx-concurrent-vec

    An efficient, convenient and lightweight grow-only read & write concurrent data structure allowing high performance concurrent collection

    v1.6.0 550 #concurrency #read-write #vec #atomic #lock-free #data-structures
  32. drain_filter_polyfill

    current nightly implementation of Vec::drain_filter, copypasted out for use on stable

    v0.1.3 85K #stable #vec #filter #nightly #drain #copypasted
  33. identified_vec

    Like HashSet but retaining INSERTION order and without Hash requirement on the Element type

    v0.1.11 1.3K #vec #hash-set #unique-identifier #hash-table #set #identifiable #orderset
  34. orx-pinned-vec

    PinnedVec trait defines the interface for vectors which guarantee that elements added to the vector are pinned to their memory locations unless explicitly changed

    v2.8.0 950 #pinned #memory #vec #data-structures #array #vector
  35. c_vec

    Structures to wrap C arrays

    v2.0.0 20K #array #vec #c
  36. append-only-vec

    Append-only, concurrent vector

    v0.1.3 6.5K #data-structures #frozen #structure #elements #concurrency #append #vec
  37. orx-imp-vec

    ImpVec, standing for immutable push vector 👿, is a data structure which allows appending elements with a shared reference

    v2.1.0 210 #pinned #vec #bag #container #split #linked-list #data-structures
  38. rle_vec

    A vector like struct that stores data as runs of identical values. Useful for storing sparse data.

    v0.4.1 #rle #vec #vector
  39. vecmap-rs

    A vector-based map and set implementation

    v0.2.1 5.6K #map #key-set #set #vec #key-hash #vector #no-std
  40. combination

    A lib to do math jobs like permutate and combinate data from vec

    v0.2.2 2.4K #math #vec #data #lib #jobs #permutate #combinate
  41. signvec

    Vector implementation for fast, sign-based manipulation of dynamic collections

    v0.3.0 310 #vec #signed #performance
  42. Try searching with DuckDuckGo or on

  43. bool_vec

    A crates that exposes a vector called BoolVec which allows you to store a boolean in a single bit

    v0.2.1 #boolean #single #vec #byte #bool #store #expose
  44. resizing-vec

    An automatic resizing vector for data with linear increasing ids

    v0.1.4 #unique-id #ids #resize #financial-data #structure #integer #vec
  45. strict

    collections with strict bounds

    v0.2.0 12K #vec #collection #element #bounds #guaranteed #hold #non-empty-vec
  46. univec

    A vector that can hold elements of any single type

    v1.0.0 500 #dynamic #vec #any #homogeneous
  47. btree-vec

    A growable array (vector) implemented using a B-tree

    v0.3.1 #b-tree #array #vec #vector
  48. heap-array

    variable length array, with its main benefit over Vec is taking up less space

    v0.1.8 100 #array #variables #serde #benefits #length #vec #replace
  49. vecset

    A vector-based sorted map, set and keyed-set implementation

    v0.0.2 #map #set #vec #keyed-set #no-std
  50. tinyvecdeq

    VecDeque-like data structures

    v0.1.3 #data-structures #vec #no-std #vec-deque
  51. list_tools


    v0.1.9 300 #vec #list #string #gpl-3 #自带的 #是一个基于“struct递归”的结构体,他由于不基于 #一个自己研发的vec-t
  52. pi_append_vec

    Only supports append vectors, lock free

    v0.3.10 320 #lock-free #vec #pi #vector #vectors
  53. nonempty

    Correct by construction non-empty vector

    v0.10.0 144K #vec #correct #construction #guarantees #vector #serialization #list
  54. qrcode-generator

    Generate QR Code matrices and images in RAW, PNG and SVG formats

    v4.1.9 73K #png #svg #qrcode #qr #generate #vec
  55. fallible_collections

    adds fallible allocation api to std collections

    v0.4.9 60K #collection #fallible #error #allocation #b-tree #box #vec
  56. indicium

    in-memory search for collections and key-value stores

    v0.6.1 2.8K #search #key-value-store #autocomplete #hash-map #vec #struct #search-engine
  57. range-lock

    Range lock for std::vec::Vec

    v0.2.3 #range #lock #mutex #multi-threading #locking
  58. tokio-io-utility

    Some helper functions for tokio::io

    v0.7.6 36K #tokio #async #byte #vec #container #maybe-uninit #helper
  59. protox

    protobuf compiler

    v0.6.0 109K #protobuf-compiler #serialization #prost-build #protoc #proto #file #vec
  60. fallible-iterator

    Fallible iterator traits

    v0.3.0 2.1M #iterator #fallible #traits #btree-map #btree-set #enabled #vec
  61. serde_bytes

    Optimized handling of &[u8] and Vec<u8> for Serde

    v0.11.14 1.8M #serde #serialization #byte #byte-slice #no-std #no-alloc #derive-deserialize
  62. dync

    An efficient alternative to dyn Trait for containerized types

    v0.5.7 #traits #dyn #vec #generics #any
  63. useful_macro

    Collections of useful macros

    v0.2.29 #vec #macro #remove #tool #useful
  64. dark-std

    asynchronous containers build on tokio. It uses a read-write separation design borrowed from Golang

    v0.2.11 4.0K #container #tokio #wait-group #async #btree-map #vec #read-write
  65. naan

    A fast, easy, and tasty functional programming prelude

    v0.1.32 #functional-programming #prelude #data-structure #vec #concrete #programming-language #type
  66. gazebo

    A collection of well-tested utilities

    v0.8.1 6.1K #utilities #dupe #collection #vec #tested #traits #well-tested
  67. map-macro

    Declarative macros for statically initializing collections

    v0.3.0 3.7K #declarative-macro #collection #macro #hash-map #hash-set #vec #collections
  68. times

    Timing Benchmark, Repeated Runs, with Statistics

    v1.0.15 #median #data #statistics #vec #repeated #testing #length
  69. orx-funvec

    Traits to unify access to elements of n-dimensional vectors which are particularly useful in algorithms requiring both flexibility through abstraction over inputs and performance through monomorphization

    v0.1.4 #closures #vec #matrix #array #multi-dimensional #algorithm
  70. simple_predicates

    local configuration management utility

    v0.4.2 #boolean #predicates #expressions #u32 #condition #eval #vec
  71. orx-linked-list

    An efficient and recursive singly and doubly linked list implementation

    v2.4.0 500 #linked-list #list #linked #vec
  72. easier

    making rust easier

    v0.2.0 #sorting #act #vec #utilities #utils #group-by #read-line
  73. trimothy

    Traits for trimming slices, vecs, and strings

    v0.2.2 #trim #string #slice #vecs #traits #standard #trimming
  74. pi_densevec


    v0.1.3 #dense #vec #pi
  75. sorted-insert

    traits to insert elements to a sorted collection and keep the order

    v0.2.3 2.2K #sorting #insertion #insert #array #vec #sort
  76. rocket-raw-response

    response struct used for responding raw data

    v0.5.4 #rocket-web #raw-response #response #rocket #rocket-framework #web #vec
  77. thincollections

    Alternative implementations for vector, map and set that are faster/smaller for some use cases

    v0.5.4 280 #set #map #vec #data-structures #vector
  78. edtui-jagged

    A jagged array data structure for the edtui editor

    v0.1.3 #vec #jagged #nested #edtui #data-structures
  79. gw_signal

    Package with signal processing tools for graviational waves studies

    v0.1.10-alpha.1 800 #signal-processing #time-series #vec #data #analysis #waves #spectral
  80. coca

    Data structures with constant capacity

    v0.3.0 #data-structures #vec #queue #memory-allocator #allocator #arena-allocator #global-allocator
  81. timberio/file-source

    A high-performance observability data pipeline

    GitHub 0.1.0 #data-pipeline #vector #observability #vec #source #metrics #logs
  82. tile_sorcerer

    Tools for modeling and querying vector tile sources

    v1.1.0 #tile #vector #gis #map #mvt #vec #tiles
  83. indxvec

    Vecs sorting, merging, indexing, ranking, searching, reversing, intersecting, printing, etc

    v1.9.0 2.7K #binary-search #ranking #merge-sort #printing-vectors #hash-sort #ansi-term
  84. tree-flat

    TreeFlat is the simplest way to build & traverse a pre-order Tree for Rust

    v0.1.3 #tree #tree-traversal #tree-node #flat #vec #apl
  85. disk_list

    Get disk list information and collect into Vec

    v0.2.10 #disk #list #info #informantion #diskinfo
  86. hostlist-parser

    Parses hostlist expressions into a Vec of Strings

    v0.1.6 7.0K #hostlist #cluster #hpc #pdsh
  87. stable-vec

    A Vec-like collection which guarantees stable indices and features O(1) element deletion (semantically similar to Vec<Option<T>>). Useful for allocations in graphs or similar data structures.

    v0.4.1 2.6K #arena #index #options #bitvec #bit-vec #memory-allocator #data-structures
  88. rt_ref

    Internal Ref types for rt_ref and rt_vec

    v0.2.1 420 #automation #ref #cell #send-sync #rt-vec #mutability #ref-mut
  89. toodee

    A lightweight 2D wrapper around a Vec

    v0.5.0 #matrix #array #sorting #image-processing #translate #2d-array #translation
  90. bounded-vector

    Vec wrapper that guarantees upper and lower bounds on type level

    v0.2.1 100 #bounds #lower-bounds #type #limit #bounded-vec #vector
  91. str-macro

    The str!() macro, similar to vec![] but for strings

    v1.0.0 25K #string #slice #macro #str #owned
  92. query_map

    VectorMap is a generic wrapper around HashMap<String, Vec<String>> to handle different transformations like URL query strings

    v0.7.0 112K #query-string #url #serde #hash-map #wrapper #generic #transformation
  93. cs_serde_bytes

    Optimized handling of &[u8] and Vec<u8> for Serde

    v0.12.2 10K #serialization #byte-slice #serde #byte-vector #no-std #derive-deserialize
  94. dup-indexer

    Create a non-duplicated index from Strings, static str, Vec, or Box values

    v0.4.0 400 #string #index #unique #unique-identifier #string-interning #duplicate #intern
  95. serde_bytes_ng

    Optimized handling of [u8; N], &[u8] and Vec<u8> for Serde

    v0.1.2 4.6K #byte #serde #serialization #no-std #derive-deserialize #serde-derive #bytes
  96. collection_tools

    Collection of general purpose tools to manipulate collections( containers like Vec/HashMap/HashSet )

    v0.4.0 430 #collection #general-purpose #fundamental #container #manipulate #hash-set #hash-map
  97. nary_tree

    A vec-backed tree structure with tree-specific generational indexes

    v0.4.3 500 #tree-structure #tree #tree-node #node-tree #slab #slab-tree #n-ary
  98. argmap

    parse command-line arguments into a hashmap and vec of positional args

    v1.1.2 1.6K #arguments-parser #command-line-arguments #hash-map #argument #parser #arguments #positional-arguments
  99. stele

    An atomic Vec-like structure with no copying on allocation

    v0.3.5 #concurrency #data-structures #structure #reader #concurrent #atomic #array
  100. slab_tree

    A vec-backed tree structure with tree-specific generational indexes

    v0.3.2 2.6K #tree-structure #node-tree #tree #tree-node #index #slab #data-structures
  101. zarray

    Cache-optimized 2D and 3D arrays using Morton order (aka Z-order) Z-indexed storage, with a convenient API for common 2D and 3D access patterns. Use of zarray in place of a Vec of Vecs often improves performance…

    v1.2.0 #2d-3d #array #cellular-automata #map #z-order #morton #z-index
  102. monadic

    macros to define Haskell style monadic action blocks for IntoIterators, Reader, Writer, State, and macros for the transformers ReaderT and WriterT over Vec, LinkedList and VecDeque

    v0.5.5 170 #monads #macro #transformer #vec-deque #reader #linked-list #reader-writer
  103. serde_json_any_key

    Workaround for "key must be a string" error with serde_json. De/serialize any HashMap<K,V>, Vec<K,V>, Iter<(&K,&V)>, or Iter<&(K,V)> as a JSON map.

    v2.0.0 7.7K #serde-json #json-key #key-string #iterator #key #hash-map #struct
  104. lib-base64

    A base64 (with padding) encoding and decoding library, which implements the encode() and decode() methods for the String and Vec<u8> types

    v2.1.0 130 #base64 #decode-base64 #padding #string #methods #codec #encoding
  105. bit-vec

    A vector of bits

    v0.6.3 2.6M #bit #bitmap #bitmask #data-structures
  106. postcard

    A no_std + serde compatible message library for Rust

    v1.0.8 190K #serde #serializer-deserializer #framing #cobs #memory-size #replace

Narrow the search: vec array, …data-structures, …vector, …collection, …serde, …memory, …string, …index, …data, …container