tokio core …run-time? …async? …postgresql?

  1. tokio-util

    Additional utilities for working with Tokio

    v0.7.10 6.7M #tokio #io #async #run-time
  2. tracing

    Application-level tracing for Rust

    v0.1.40 7.3M #logging-tracing #logging #metrics #log-messages #async #tokio
  3. tokio-cron-scheduler

    Schedule tasks on tokio using cron-like annotation, at an instant or repeat them at a fixed duration. Tasks can optionally be persisted using PostgreSQL or Nats.

    v0.10.0 19K #tokio #cron #postgresql #nats #scheduler #cron-job #task-scheduler
  4. imap-proto

    IMAP protocol parser and data structures

    v0.16.4 15K #imap #protocols #email #parser #data-structures #projects #tokio
  5. starch

    CLI utility for the Steam version of RetroArch

    v0.1.1 #retro-arch #steam #command-line-tool #version #utility #cli #core
  6. cdrs-tokio

    Async Cassandra DB driver written in Rust

    v8.1.2 3.7K #cassandra #database-driver #driver #load-balancing #client #connection-pool #async
  7. async-time-mock-tokio

    Mockable time for use in async runtimes (tokio compatibility)

    v0.1.1 100 #mocking #async #tokio #testing #compatible #runtimes #compatibility
  8. wasmtimer

    Time utils from std::time, tokio::time and tokio_util::time on WASM targets

    v0.2.0 29K #tokio #wasm #tokio-util #timer #browser #delay-queue #utilities
  9. tokactor

    A actor model framework wrapped around tokio

    v2.1.0 110 #actor-model #actor #actor-system #actor-framework #tokio #tokio-task #messages
  10. tokio-websockets

    High performance, strict, tokio-util based WebSockets implementation

    v0.8.2 2.0K #websocket #tokio-util #byte #performance #high #payload #tls
  11. moka

    A fast and concurrent cache library inspired by Java Caffeine

    v0.12.7 509K #cache #concurrency #concurrent #async-context #replace #high-level #tokio
  12. netlink-proto

    async netlink protocol

    v0.11.3 349K #netlink #linux #async #sockets #tokio
  13. hyper-proxy

    A proxy connector for Hyper-based applications

    v0.9.1 117K #http-proxy #proxy #hyper #hyper-client #tls #ssl #tokio
  14. deno_core

    A modern JavaScript/TypeScript runtime built with V8, Rust, and Tokio

    v0.276.0 65K #v8 #typescript #deno #run-time #module #bindings #ops
  15. rsocket_rust

    rsocket-rust is an implementation of the RSocket protocol in Rust

    v0.7.5 160 #r-socket #protocols #tokio #transport #traits #client-server
  16. fixed-buffer

    Fixed-size buffers for network protocol parsers

    v0.5.0 9.1K #io #network #byte-buffer #protocols #async #tokio #file-io
  17. background-jobs

    asynchronous background jobs implemented with pluggable backends and runtimes

    v0.18.0 430 #background-processing #jobs #postgresql #actix #sled #tokio #postgre-sql
  18. rodbus

    A high-performance async implementation of the Modbus protocol using tokio

    v1.3.0 #modbus #industrial #ics #security #sunspec
  19. zestors

    A fast and flexible actor-framework for building fault-tolerant Rust applications

    v0.1.2 #actor #actor-system #pool #tokio
  20. sentry-core

    Core sentry library used for instrumentation and integration development

    v0.32.3 529K #sentry #events #integration #error #instrumentation #sdk #default
  21. datacake

    A batteries included framework for building fault-tolerance distributed data systems

    v0.7.1 #distributed-database #distributed-systems #distributed #crdt #tokio #database #async
  22. sqlx-core-oldapi

    Core of SQLx, the rust SQL toolkit. Not intended to be used directly.

    v0.6.19 900 #sql-query #database-driver #postgresql #database-server #connection-pool #sqlite #sql-database
  23. rohanasan

    An extremely fast backend framework for rust! Built from scratch using tokio, easy to use and asynchronous. Available for multiple programming languages and cross-platform.

    v0.5.46 3.0K #back-end #framework #http #http-server #server #web
  24. monoio

    A thread per core runtime based on iouring

    v0.2.3 3.1K #run-time #io-uring #async-io #async #io-operations #per-thread #runtime
  25. rpc-core

    a tiny rpc library for rust

    v0.3.2 #rpc #tiny #cmd #msg #detail #serialization #net
  26. Try searching with DuckDuckGo or on

  27. libp2p-tcp

    TCP/IP transport protocol for libp2p

    v0.41.0 245K #p2p #libp2p #async-io #networking #networking-stack
  28. async-timer

    Timers for Rust async story

    v1.0.0-beta.13 31K #timer #async #wasm
  29. csv-async

    CSV parsing for async

    v1.3.0 37K #csv #parser #async #comma #async-context #data-structures
  30. paladin-core

    distributed algorithm toolkit. Write distributed algorithms without the complexities of distributed systems programming.

    v0.4.2 470 #distributed #distributed-systems #cluster #compute #zk #task-execution #map-reduce
  31. libp2p-dns

    DNS transport implementation for libp2p

    v0.41.1 250K #p2p #dns-resolution #libp2p #transport #async-dns #async-std #stack
  32. socketcan

    Linux SocketCAN library. Send and receive CAN frames via CANbus on Linux.

    v3.3.0 23K #frame #linux #sockets #bus #async-io #dataframe #controller
  33. minior

    Ergonomic Minio Client

    v0.1.9 150 #minio #client #object #interface #pagination #bucket #module
  34. metriki-core

    A metrics library ported from dropwizard metrics

    v1.8.0 490 #metrics #observability #monitoring #aggregate
  35. process-wrap

    Wrap a Command, to spawn processes in a group or session or job etc

    v7.0.1 370 #process #command #group #session #pty
  36. tonic

    A gRPC over HTTP/2 implementation focused on high performance, interoperability, and flexibility

    v0.11.0 3.4M #grpc #grpc-client #protobuf #rpc #async #future #rpc-framework
  37. compio-driver

    Low-level driver for compio

    v0.2.2 550 #iocp #io-uring #async
  38. libsw

    Comprehensive stopwatch library

    v3.3.1 9.1K #stopwatch #instant #comprehensive #no-alloc #safe #precise #std
  39. rsntp

    An RFC 5905 compliant Simple Network Time Protocol (SNTP) client library for Rust

    v4.0.0 11K #sntp #async #networking #time #system-clock
  40. lunchbox

    An async virtual filesystem interface

    v0.1.4 190 #virtual-filesystem #filesystem #local-filesystem #async #virtual #abstraction #vfs
  41. overclock

    A framework for building data-driven distributed systems

    v0.1.13 220 #actor-framework #actor #framework #distributed-systems #actor-model #distributed #websocket-server
  42. bluest

    A cross-platform Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) library

    v0.6.6 120 #bluetooth #ble #gatt #bluez #core-bluetooth
  43. error_mapper

    standardized Results and Errors handling accross all your projects

    v0.3.9 220 #error #error-handling #macro #simple #handling
  44. webservice_tutorial

    Learn how to build a webservice in Rust!

    v1.0.3 #web-services #postgresql #tutorial #json #comprehensive #actix-web #building
  45. ubs

    a CLI for fetching real-time University at Buffalo class schedules

    v0.1.1 #class #university #schedules #real-time #buffalo #information #cli
  46. tower-async

    Tower Async is a library of modular and reusable components for building robust clients and servers. An "Async Trait" fork from the original Tower Library.

    v0.2.0 #service #async-trait #service-request #async #tower-service #future #tower-middleware
  47. monoio-compat

    A compat wrapper for monoio

    v0.2.2 500 #io-uring #run-time #async
  48. ezlua

    Ergonomic, efficient and Zero-cost rust bindings to Lua5.4

    v0.5.3 320 #lua-bindings #lua #scripting #async #api-bindings #nostd #no-std

Narrow the search: tokio core run-time, …async, …postgresql, …protocols, …client, …actor, …tls, …async-io, …events, …serialization