
  1. tikv-client

    language implementation of TiKV client

    v0.3.0 4.0K #tikv #key-value-database #kv #distributed-systems #ti-kv #api-client
  2. surrealkv

    A low-level, versioned, embedded, ACID-compliant, key-value database for Rust

    v0.1.6 2.5K #rocksdb #lmdb #sled #redb #tikv
  3. tikv/tikv

    A distributed transactional key-value database powered by Rust and Raft

    GitHub 8.2.0-alpha #key-value-database #distributed-database #raft-consensus #raft #distributed-systems #kv #consensus-algorithm
  4. surrealdb-tikv-client

    language implementation of TiKV client

    v0.2.0-surreal.2 2.5K #key-value-database #tikv #database-client #distributed-systems #kv #distributed-database #api-client
  5. surrealdb-tikv-client-pd

    Low level PD components for the TiKV Rust client

    v0.1.0-surreal.2 #tikv #client #key-value-database #database-client #key-value-store #low-level #distributed-database
  6. surrealdb-tikv-client-store

    Low level TiKV node components of the TiKV Rust client

    v0.1.0-surreal.2 #key-value-database #key-value-store #database-client #tikv #distributed-database #transactional #low-level
  7. surrealdb-tikv-client-common

    Common components of the TiKV Rust client

    v0.1.0-surreal.2 #client #tikv #key-value-store #distributed-database #key-value-database #transactional #cluster
  8. tikv-client-common

    Common components of the TiKV Rust client

    v0.1.0 #client #tikv #component #testing
  9. tikv-client-pd

    Low level PD components for the TiKV Rust client

    v0.1.0 110 #tikv #client #database-client #distributed-database #low-level #key-value-store #cluster
  10. tikv-client-store

    Low level TiKV node components of the TiKV Rust client

    v0.1.0 110 #database-client #key-value-store #tikv #distributed-database #key-value-database #transactional #low-level
  11. surrealdb-tikv-client-proto

    Protobuf specs for the TiKV Rust client

    v0.1.1 #client #protobuf #tikv #proto #build #specs
  12. tikv-client-proto

    Protobuf specs for the TiKV Rust client

    v0.1.0 110 #protobuf #client #proto #tikv #build #specs
  13. Try searching with DuckDuckGo.

  14. bb8-tikv

    bb8 adapter for TiKV client

    v0.1.0 #bb8 #pool #tikv #connection-manager
  15. match-template

    procedural macro that generates repeated match arms by pattern

    v0.0.1 6.3K #macro #proc-macro #pattern-match #procedural-macro #tikv