panicking …testing? …panic? …debugging?

  1. expecting

    Rust macros that test conditions without panicking

    v0.5.0 160 #expect #macro #assert #test-macro #testing #result #macros
  2. comfy-print

    Non-panicking versions of println! and friends. Async implementation.

    v0.3.0 #println #write #io #io-stream #debugging #stream #message-queue
  3. version_check

    Tiny crate to check the version of the installed/running rustc

    v0.9.4 8.3M #rustc-version #compiler-version #rustc #version #check #minimum #env-var
  4. panicking

    std::thread::panicking analog available in the no_std context

    v0.4.0 1.0K #panic #no-std #context #analog #thread #abort #return
  5. human-panic

    Panic messages for humans

    v2.0.0 111K #panic-message #panic #error-message #humans #report #cli #command-line
  6. const_panic

    const panic with formatting

    v0.2.8 137K #const #panic #format #no-std
  7. testresult

    type for concise and precise test failures

    v0.4.0 5.4K #testing #error #error-handling #points
  8. k9

    rust testing library

    v0.12.0 6.2K #assertions #testing #macro #snapshot #assert-equal
  9. comfy-print-sync

    Non-panicking versions of println! and friends. Sync implementation.

    v0.1.1 #println #write #debug #io-stream #io #stream #error-message
  10. text_io

    really simple to use panicking input functions

    v0.1.12 35K #io-read #read #io #scan #read-line #scanf #iterator
  11. check

    Convenience assert!-like macros which return instead of panicking

    v1.0.0 #macro #error #error-message #assert #return #returning #condition
  12. Try searching with DuckDuckGo or on

  13. panic-never

    guarantees that your application is free of panicking branches

    v0.1.0 #panic #panic-handler #branch #applications #guarantees #free #panicking
  14. panic-custom

    Small panicking rust crate that allows to easily set the behavior of panicking for embedded or regular no_std binaries

    v0.1.1 #panic #panic-handler #exit #abort #custom #custom-panic #customization
  15. tokio-pg-mapper

    Proc-macro library used to map a tokio-postgres row to a Rust type (struct)

    v0.2.0 5.3K #postgresql #tokio #mapper #mapping #row #proc-macro #structs
  16. soft_assert

    Non-panicking assertions

    v0.1.1 110 #macro #utility #assert #assertions #non-panicking #soft
  17. diagnostics_tools

    Diagnostics tools

    v0.7.0 700 #diagnostics #fundamental #general-purpose #collection #basic
  18. soft

    non-panicking assertions

    v0.1.1 #assertions #assert #panic #result
  19. unwrap-log

    Non-panicking alternatives to Option and Result unwrapping, which log at warn level

    v0.1.1 #log #unwrap #logging #default #tracing
  20. panic-at-the-disco-rs

    meme crate that plays the song "Hey Look Ma, I Made It!" and prints "🎩 Hey Look Ma, I Made It! 🕺" to the console before panicking

    v1.0.0 #meme #joke #look #panic #panic-handler #song #console
  21. fringe

    safe, lightweight userland context switches

    v1.2.1 #context #stack #switches #safe #generator #libfringe #safety
  22. panic-halt

    Set panicking behavior to halt

    v0.2.0 29K #exit #panic #panic-handler
  23. safer-bytes

    safe, non-panicking wrappers around the 'bytes' crate

    v0.2.0 500 #buffer #zero-copy #io
  24. wasm-snip

    Replace a wasm function with an unreachable

    v0.4.0 410 #wasm #size #wasm-binary #profiling #symbol #snip #symbols
  25. panic-usb-boot

    Set panicking behavior to reset to usb boot inteface

    v0.3.0 #usb #boot #panic-handler #panic #picoboot
  26. safina-threadpool

    Safe thread pool

    v0.2.4 210 #thread-pool #thread-safe #thread #pool #safe
  27. logsley

    Opinionated logging library

    v0.1.8 #logging #opinionated #structured #json #log #env-var
  28. atomicell

    Multi-threaded RefCell on atomics

    v0.2.0 600 #atomic #refcell #cell
  29. task-group

    manage groups of tokio tasks

    v0.2.2 1.1K #async-task #tokio #async #tokio-task #group #manage #spawn
  30. octs

    Finally, a good byte manipulation library

    v0.3.0 440 #byte #read-write #io #networking #network #bytes
  31. ignore-result

    Adds a Result<_, _>.ignore() method to ignore the return value of a function call without panicking in case of error

    v0.2.0 212K #ignore #productivity #result #error-value #no-std
  32. atomic_refcell

    Threadsafe RefCell

    v0.1.13 144K #refcell #thread-safe #atomic #borrow #shared-state #mutable #concurrency
  33. panic-reset

    Set panicking behavior to reset

    v0.1.1 7.8K #reset #panic #panic-handler
  34. drop_bomb

    A runtime guard for implementing linear types

    v0.1.5 105K #linear #types #drop #run-time #bomb #panic #runtime-checked
  35. type-safe-id

    A type-safe, K-sortable, globally unique identifier

    v0.3.0 650 #unique-identifier #safe #globally #k-sortable #type-safe #prefix #id
  36. pandet

    A lightweight library to help act on panics of detached async tasks

    v0.4.0 #async-task #async #panic #fail-fast
  37. validit

    Validate data structures internal state

    v0.2.4 19K #validation #state #internal #variables #data-structures #foo #less
  38. diff-tool

    giving a side by side git diff view

    v0.2.1 330 #git-diff #diff #git #tui #command-line-tool #cli #command-line-utility
  39. checked_clamp

    Clamp alternative that returns a result instead of panicking

    v0.1.0 #clamp #checked #no-panic #no-alloc #error-value
  40. cargo-valgrind

    A cargo subcommand for running valgrind

    v2.1.0 1.7K #valgrind #cargo-subcommand #cargo #subcomand #memory-leaks #cli
  41. cast_checks

    A procedural macro to check for invalid casts

    v0.1.4 #proc-macro #check #cast #invalid #casts #procedural #try-into
  42. orx-fixed-vec

    An efficient constant access time vector with fixed capacity and pinned elements

    v2.8.0 650 #pinned #fixed #vec #split #array
  43. shticker_book_unwritten

    Minimal CLI launcher for the Toontown Rewritten MMORPG

    v1.2.1 150 #rewritten #launcher #toontown #ttr #cli
  44. unreachable_checked

    unreachable!()-like macro that causes linking error instead of panicking. May be used to statically ensure some code won't panic.

    v0.2.0 #panic #static-assert #static-check #linker
  45. picnic

    Your Picnic is on Fire!

    v0.1.0 #fire #real #show #reason #macro #panicking
  46. unwind-context

    Macro to add colored panic context to your functions

    v0.2.2 130 #panic #unwind #debugging #no-alloc #color #no-std
  47. arith_wrappers

    Rust’s std offers the Wrapping type for “intentionally wrapping” arithmetic, but curiously does not provide analagous implementations for intentionally saturating…

    v0.2.0 #wrapping #wrappers #arithmetic #checked #addresses #offers #std
  48. psrdada

    wrapper for the psrdada radio astronomy library

    v0.4.0 #radio-astronomy #telescope #protocols #astronomy #protocol
  49. always_cell

    A OnceCell that implements Deref, panicking if not set yet

    v0.1.0 #once-cell #cell #always
  50. clierr

    Non-panicking error handling for small CLI scripts

    v0.7.0 #error #minimalist #cli #error-handling #small #handling
  51. moon-phases

    Fast command-line application to show the moon phase

    v0.3.3 #command-line #moon #phase #emoji #date-time #applications #command-line-utilities
  52. defmt-test

    A test harness for embedded devices

    v0.3.2 950 #unit-testing #testing #defmt #embedded-devices #knurling #test-harness
  53. cryptify

    A procedural macro library to obfuscate Rust code. Provides compile-time string encryption and random flow obfuscation.

    v3.1.1 #compile-time #proc-macro #obfuscation #encryption #string #flow #random
  54. panic-abort

    Set panicking behavior to abort

    v0.3.2 1.3K #abort #panic #panic-handler #panic-impl
  55. serde_v8

    V8 serialization and deserialization

    v0.187.0 60K #serialization #deserialize #values #serde #v8 #codec #deno
  56. panic-custom-proc-macros

    Small panicking macro crate that allows to easily set the behavior of panicking for embedded or regular no_std binaries

    v0.1.0 #panic #macro #proc-macro #panicking #custom
  57. bash-builtins

    implement loadable builtins for bash

    v0.4.1 #bash #shell #builtins #loadable #counter #how #args
  58. rtest

    integration test building framework

    v0.1.5 150 #testing #test-framework #integration-tests #resources #stateful #macro #filter
  59. man

    Generate structured man pages

    v0.3.0 25K #manpage #pages #structured #generate #author #section #io
  60. zrsclient

    client for the Zerodha API

    v0.1.5 #zerodha #trading #sdk #mechanism #stock #retry #rest
  61. luallaby

    **Work in progress** A pure-Rust Lua interpreter/compiler

    v0.1.0 #lua #interpreter #compiler #debugging
  62. kani-verifier

    A bit-precise model checker for Rust

    v0.50.0 3.5K #verification #memory-safety #model-checking #kani #unsafe #security #verifier
  63. axocli

    common code for setting up a CLI App and handling errors/printing

    v0.2.0 1.1K #error #setting #printing #up #axoapp #utilities #ci
  64. corosensei

    A fast and safe implementation of stackful coroutines

    v0.1.4 100K #coroutine #stackful-coroutine #stack #generator #call-stack #fiber
  65. jss

    Create dynamic css easily using json notation

    v0.6.2 3.5K #css #html-css #web #html
  66. cargo-pretty-test

    A console command to format cargo test output

    v0.2.5 500 #cargo-test #test-output #testing #console #command #pretty #docs
  67. credibility

    A thin wrapper around assert to support table-driven tests

    v0.1.3 #testing #assertions #non-panicking #assert #table-driven #block #test-block
  68. rosu-render

    An o!rdr wrapper to render osu! replays

    v0.2.1 #osu #replay #websocket #render #ordr #wrapper #api
  69. dont_panic

    panic!()-like macro that causes linking error instead of panicking. May be used to statically ensure some code won't panic.

    v0.1.0 #panic #static-assert #static-check #linker
  70. fail

    Fail points for rust

    v0.5.1 315K #points #testing #failpoints #run-time #error #early #behavior
  71. ufmt

    A (6-40x) smaller, (2-9x) faster and panic-free alternative to core::fmt

    v0.2.0 23K #debugging #display #write #format
  72. vecdeque-stableix

    Deque with stable index values

    v1.1.1 180 #deque #queue #stable #double-ended #index #vec-deque #values
  73. teensy4-panic

    Panic handler for the Teensy 4. Part of the teensy4-rs project

    v0.2.3 340 #cortex-m #arm #teensy-4 #panic-message
  74. roundable

    Round numbers and durations to a given factor

    v0.2.0 #numbers #duration #round #rounding #number #no-alloc
  75. resman

    Runtime managed resource borrowing

    v0.17.0 600 #lock #share #data #debugging
  76. mockers

    Mocking library

    v0.23.0 300 #mocking #testing #test
  77. mini-backtrace

    Backtrace support for no_std and embedded programs

    v0.1.4 #backtrace #dwarf #no-std
  78. dont_panic_slice

    Slice that causes link error instead of panicking

    v0.1.0 #slice #panic #static-assert #static-check
  79. bit-struct

    Define structs which have fields which are assigned to individual bits, not bytes

    v0.3.2 3.5K #bit-fields #bit #struct #macro #proc-macro #statically-typed
  80. coset

    Set of types for supporting COSE

    v0.3.7 119K #cose #cbor #object #encryption #cryptography #rfc #supporting
  81. cargo-darwin

    Darwin mutates your code, if your code still passes check tests, then your code isn't enough tested

    v0.3.1 250 #mutation #testing #darwin #file #check #tested #isn-t
  82. const-units

    that lets you check the dimensions of your quantities at compile time and run time

    v0.1.3 #dimension #const #unit #compile-time #validation #no-alloc
  83. pass_by_catastrophe

    Please do not use this

    v0.1.0 #exception #panic #stack #value #helper #pass #return
  84. tracing-record-hierarchical

    Record parent tracing::Span fields from inside child tracing::Span’s context

    v0.1.1 400 #spans #tracing #tracing-subscriber #record #parent #subscriber #refactoring
  85. problem

    Error handling for command line applications or prototypes

    v5.3.0 290 #error #error-context #api-error #context #command-line #log-error #command-line-utilities
  86. stdext

    Extensions for the Rust standard library structures

    v0.3.3 37K #extensions #extension #helpers #std #utilities #utils
  87. html2text

    Render HTML as plain text

    v0.12.4 15K #html-text #html-parser #plain-text #convert-html #html #html-rendering #text-rendering
  88. galvanic-test

    A testing framework for setting up and tearing up test fixtures/environments with support for parameterised test cases. This crate is part of galvanic---a complete test framework for Rust

    v0.2.0 1.4K #test-cases #test-framework #testing #fixtures #unit-testing #test #unit-tests
  89. sleuth

    Extremely opinionated testing framework generating an exact specification and reducing code to its minimal implementation

    v0.2.1 #test-framework #testing #safety #compiler #test #test-suite
  90. version-sync

    ensuring that version numbers in README files and other files are kept in sync with the crate version

    v0.9.5 10K #version #numbers #cargo-toml #sync #line-numbers #check #projects
  91. deploy-temp-fringe

    safe, lightweight userland context switches

    v1.2.4 100 #context #stack #switch #generator #safe #valgrind #userland

Narrow the search: panicking testing, …panic, …debugging, …macro, …no-std, …error, …io, …thread, …numbers, …cell