
  1. spdx

    Helper crate for SPDX expressions

    v0.10.4 146K #expression-parser #license #identifier #helper #list #updating #valid
  2. cargo-deny

    Cargo plugin to help you manage large dependency graphs

    v0.14.21 47K #cargo #ci #spdx #license #advisories
  3. cargo-license

    Cargo subcommand to see license of dependencies

    v0.6.1 26K #cargo-subcommand #licenses #cargo-metadata #cargo-build #list #package #directory
  4. dd-rust-license-tool

    creating the LICENSE-3rdparty.csv file for DataDog open-source Rust projects

    v1.0.3 1.9K #datadog #license #3rdparty #config-file
  5. add-header

    A cli to add headers to files

    v0.6.2 1.6K #header #notice #file-header #license #header-file #cli
  6. aws-sdk-licensemanager

    AWS SDK for AWS License Manager

    v1.20.0 410 #aws-sdk #operation #manager #license #account #information #service
  7. cargo-clearlydefined

    checking dependencies with clearlydefined.io

    v0.3.0 #cargo #clearlydefined #license #cargo-check
  8. cargo-about

    Cargo plugin for generating a listing of all of the crates and the the terms under which they are licensed

    v0.6.1 8.5K #cargo #spdx #license #cargo-subcommand
  9. license

    Embedded license information from SPDX

    v3.3.1 2.5K #spdx #information #embedded
  10. add-notice

    A cli tool to add notices to files

    v0.2.1 460 #notice #header #cli #license #cli-tool #file-content
  11. licensure

    A software license management tool

    v0.3.2 170 #licensing #config-file #tool #license #cli-tool #source-file #command-line
  12. cargo-bundle-licenses

    Bundle licensing of dependencies

    v2.0.0 5.4K #licensing #cargo #license #bundle #yaml #third-party #package
  13. lictool

    that will help you quickly add a spdx license to your project right from the command line

    v0.3.0 290 #spdx #license #developer-tool #license-generator #cli
  14. year_update

    Used to update the date of license files in GPL-v3 projects

    v1.2.0 #update #year #gpl #license #terminal
  15. sia_rs

    interacting with the UK SIA Register

    v0.3.0 300 #uk #license #security #sia #api #api-bindings
  16. licensesnip

    add license headers to your source code

    v1.6.0 450 #header #license #source #config-file #automatic #add #language
  17. cargo-attribution

    A cargo subcommand to give credit to your dependencies

    v0.7.5 950 #credits #license #cargo-toml #attribution #cargo-subcommand #file-metadata #cli
  18. lic

    A SPDX license generator

    v0.4.0 #spdx #license #cli #cargo-toml #package-json #nodejs
  19. whichlicense_detection

    detect licenses used by the WhichLicense project

    v6.0.0 #detection #license #source #pipeline #normalization #min-hash-index #min-hasher32
  20. cargo-3pl

    The easy way to ship dependency licenses with your Rust binaries

    v0.1.3 #cargo-toml #licenses #binaries #ship #summary #find #filenames
  21. file-header

    check for and add headers to files

    v0.1.2 1.1K #header #license #spdx #defined #text #default #check
  22. unlicense

    Access the text of the Unlicense. <https://unlicense.org>

    v0.2.0 240 #copyright #license #text #org
  23. get-license-helper

    Help in automatically downloading dependencies license files (using the cargo-license json output). Motivation: help in building conda-forge recipes

    v0.1.1 #download #json #recipe #automatic #licenses #output #build
  24. licensebat-cli

    CLI tool to manage dependencies' license validation

    v0.21.0 290 #license #validation #compliance #policy #cli-tool #cli
  25. whichlicense_classification

    classify licenses used by the WhichLicense project

    v2.0.0 #classification #status #matrix #compliance #identifier #checking #licenses
  26. lice

    Dead simple, minimal SPDX License generator library written in Rust

    v0.1.4 130 #spdx #generator #license #library #generate
  27. raisensu

    License manager created for Sokhibjon

    v0.1.2 #manager #uzbek #source #open #community #licenses #created
  28. license-gen

    A cli tool that asks you a bunch of questions and generates a license file

    v0.1.5 #license #generator #generate #file #cli-tool #author #package-json
  29. license-generator

    A Command line tool that generate LICENSE file

    v1.0.0 240 #command-line-tool #generator #license #cli
  30. bureau

    extracting dependency licenses, used by nertsio

    v0.2.0 #extracting #text #licenses #nertsio #handle #projects #likely
  31. rz

    rt is a command line utility to add license text to your source code files so you can focus on production

    v0.1.5 #copyright #command-line-tool #dev-tools #license #cli #devtools
  32. licenses_pro

    pro-level licenses

    v0.2.1 #license #pro-level #who
  33. cd

    API interaction for clearlydefined.io

    v0.2.1 6.0K #spdx #license #api-bindings
  34. licensor

    write licenses to stdout

    v2.1.0 #license #spdx #cli #licensing
  35. license-key

    that makes signaling between threads a bit more ergonomic

    v0.1.0 #generate-keys #license #software-license #license-generator
  36. licensebat-js

    get information about your JS/TS dependencies

    v0.0.21 260 #javascript #compliance #validation #policy #license #typescript
  37. extrude-licenses

    extruder(≈ a formatter with a user template) for licenses of a Rust and Node.js project

    v1.0.0 #template #json-file #license #cargo-toml #formatter #nodejs #package-json
  38. licensebat-rust

    get information about your Rust dependencies

    v0.0.21 320 #compliance #validation #license #policy #rust
  39. lies

    LIcense Embedding System

    v0.0.3 #embedding #system #compliance #legal #license #wrap
  40. licensebat-dart

    get information about your Dart dependencies

    v0.0.21 270 #dart #validation #license #compliance #policy
  41. fold-license

    Folding licenses from multiple dirs with cargo/Cargo.toml and yarn/package.json

    v1.0.0 #cargo-toml #cargo #license #nodejs #cli #package-json #cli-tool
  42. Try searching with DuckDuckGo.

  43. apply-license

    Automatically apply licenses to your software

    v0.3.1 #apply #automatic #licenses #projects #text #command-line-tool #cargo
  44. cargo-credits

    display licenses of dependencies

    v0.2.1 #credits #license #cargo #cli
  45. cargo-generate-license

    A cargo subcommand that generates LICENSE files

    v1.0.0 #generate #license #cargo-subcommand #generator #cli
  46. hatto

    CLI for software license policy check

    v0.1.0 #license #policy #cli #check #evaluate #file #tsv
  47. licensebat-core

    Types and Traits for building Licensebat libraries

    v0.0.21 #validation #compliance #policy #license #cargo-lock #lock-file
  48. licenz

    CLI tool to easily download a license file or compare an existing file to a license

    v0.3.1 #file #compare #command-line-tool #add #licenses #cli
  49. licensed

    add signed licenses to your binary

    v0.1.1 #binary #key #public-key #signed #expire #valid #license
  50. offline_license_rs

    Offline license key generator

    v0.1.0 #generator #license #api #generate-keys
  51. cargo-license-page

    Create an HTML page for the licenses of all dependencies

    v0.1.0 #html #web-page #license #dependencies
  52. copyup

    Command line tool to download license files based on SPDX ids

    v0.1.0 #license #spdx #cli
  53. missing_mpl

    A lint for watching over your project's MPL-2.0 licensed source files

    v0.2.0 #lint #mpl #license #header-file
  54. cargo2

    help manage your project

    v0.2.2 #utilities #licenses #bundle #version #manage #list #distribution
  55. cargo-licensebundler

    Cargo subcommand to generate bundled license html

    v1.0.0 #cargo-subcommand #license #generate-html #bundled
  56. fosslim

    A License matcher for the FOSS licenses;

    v0.0.2 #spdx #license #foss
  57. strangemood

    A decentralized marketplace for software licenses, on Solana

    v0.1.1 #marketplaces #solana #licenses #decentralized
  58. cargo-include-licenses

    Collects license files from the dependencies of a project into a predefined directory

    v0.0.1 #cargo #license #directory #path #collect #line #containing

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