
  1. windows

    Rust for Windows

    v0.56.0 2.5M #windows-api #projection #language #call #generated #building #metadata
  2. mockall

    A powerful mock object library for Rust

    v0.12.1 1.6M #mocking #unit-testing #testing #object #language #interface #real
  3. windows-sys


    v0.52.0 8.9M #win32-foundation #win32-security #api #projection #language #windows #metadata
  4. chumsky

    A parser library for humans with powerful error recovery

    v1.0.0-alpha.7 218K #parser-combinator #parser #syntax-error #combinator #language #syntax #token
  5. symbolic-demangle

    demangle symbols from various languages and compilers

    v12.8.0 475K #demangle #language #symbols #symbolic #swift #compiler #name
  6. whatlang

    Fast and lightweight language identification library for Rust

    v0.16.4 25K #nlp #language-detection #language #scripting-language #text #languages #classification
  7. dyon

    dynamically typed scripting language

    v0.49.1 1.3K #scripting-language #scripting #script #piston #language #game
  8. clue

    C/Rust like programming language that compiles into Lua code

    v3.4.7 320 #lua #programming-language #transpiler #compiler #language
  9. liquid

    templating language for Rust

    v0.26.4 81K #templating-language #templating #template #language #html #html-templating #static-site-generator
  10. language-tags

    Language tags for Rust

    v0.3.2 823K #html #internationalization #http #html-parser #language #region
  11. unic-langid

    API for managing Unicode Language Identifiers

    v0.9.4 151K #language #identifier #unicode #serialization #unic #string #api
  12. icu_locid

    API for managing Unicode Language and Locale Identifiers

    v1.4.0 117K #locale #unicode #identifier #language #extension #parser #icu
  13. unicode-script

    exposes the Unicode Script and Script_Extension properties from UAX #24

    v0.5.6 217K #script #unicode #language #script-language #unicode-text #text
  14. testcontainers

    integration-testing against docker containers from within Rust

    v0.15.0 104K #docker #integration-tests #testing #within #up #language #remove
  15. charabia

    detect the language, tokenize the text and normalize the tokens

    v0.8.9 16K #tokenizer #normalize #segmenter #tokenize #language #document
  16. j4rs

    j4rs stands for 'Java for Rust' and allows effortless calls to Java code, from Rust

    v0.18.0 3.6K #java #jni #api-bindings #language
  17. aws-sdk-translate

    AWS SDK for Amazon Translate

    v1.20.0 10K #aws-sdk #translation #language #amazon #operation #input #target
  18. proto_cli

    A multi-language version manager, a unified toolchain

    v0.34.4 1.2K #version-manager #language #package-manager #install #dependency-manager
  19. starlark

    language in Rust

    v0.12.0 4.1K #bazel #language #interpreter #skylark #build-system #send-sync
  20. human_name

    parsing and comparing human names

    v2.0.3 4.4K #name #nlp #human #language
  21. bitcode

    bitwise binary serializer

    v0.6.0 8.3K #serialization #binary #bit-manipulation #codec #decode #size #language
  22. ttyper

    Terminal-based typing test

    v1.4.1 460 #english-words #typing #most #language #terminal #terminal-based #tui
  23. hvm

    A massively parallel functional runtime

    v1.0.20-beta 270 #functional #run-time #compiler #language #target #runtime
  24. prqlc

    PRQL is a modern language for transforming data — a simple, powerful, pipelined SQL replacement

    v0.11.3 7.3K #prql #sql #language #pipeline #compile #compiler #replacement
  25. rustrict

    profanity filter for Rust

    v0.7.24 10K #filter #false-positives #word #profanity #unicode #language #csv
  26. typeshare

    Seamlessly share type definitions across multiple languages for FFI interoperability

    v1.0.2 127K #interop #language #definition #multiple #type #generated #seamless
  27. gluon

    A static, type inferred programming language for application embedding

    v0.18.2 950 #scripting #script #scripting-language #functional-programming #language
  28. languagetool-rust

    LanguageTool API bindings in Rust

    v2.1.4 500 #language #api-bindings #languagetool #text #language-tool #grammar #style
  29. kak-tree-sitter

    Server between Kakoune and tree-sitter

    v0.6.0 #tree-sitter #kakoune #interface #semantic #selection #highlighting #language
  30. gitql

    A SQL like query language to perform queries on .git files

    v0.17.0 800 #query-language #sql-query #git #language #sql #gql #query-engine
  31. lang_tester

    Concise language testing framework for compilers and VMs

    v0.8.1 2.3K #language #virtual-machine #test-framework #compiler #source-file #tester #testing
  32. oxilangtag

    fast implementation of language tag normalization and validation

    v0.1.5 9.7K #tags #language #validation #language-tag #bcp47 #rdf #normalization
  33. nickel-lang-cli

    The Nickel interpreter CLI

    v1.5.0 310 #configuration-language #nickel #configuration #language #nix #nix-package #config
  34. molecule

    Rust bindings for molecule

    v0.8.0 7.6K #serialization #bindings #minimalist #schema #language #canonicalization #encoding
  35. google-language1-cli

    A complete library to interact with Cloud Natural Language (protocol v1)

    v5.0.4+20240303 130 #nlp #google-cloud #language #google #google-api
  36. rune

    Language, an embeddable dynamic programming language for Rust

    v0.13.2 900 #scripting-language #dynamic-programming #scripting #pattern-matching #language #reference-counting
  37. fluent-langneg

    language and locale negotiation

    v0.14.0 136K #language #locale #negotiation #identifier #fluent #localization #unicode
  38. rustpython-parser

    Python language parser for Python3

    v0.3.1 4.0K #python #parser #syntax-tree #parser-generator #source #analysis #language
  39. tester

    A fork of Rust’s test crate that doesn’t require unstable language features

    v0.9.1 44K #testing #unstable #fork #language #benchmark #require #rustc
  40. google-language1_beta1

    A complete library to interact with Cloud Natural Language (protocol v1beta1)

    v5.0.4+20220218 380 #google-cloud #language #google #google-api #protocols #api #web-api
  41. google-language1

    A complete library to interact with Cloud Natural Language (protocol v1)

    v5.0.4+20240303 400 #google-cloud #language #google-api #google #api #protocols #api-version
  42. google-language1_beta1-cli

    A complete library to interact with Cloud Natural Language (protocol v1beta1)

    v5.0.4+20220218 250 #nlp #google-cloud #google-api #google #language #cli #command-line-interface
  43. syntree

    A memory efficient syntax tree for language developers

    v0.14.5 900 #syntax-tree #tree-structure #language #memory #stored #spans #error
  44. sap-cli

    The command line interface for the SAP programming language

    v1.0.3 270 #sap #programming-language #interpreter #cli #command-line-tool #command-line-interface #language
  45. sikula

    query language

    v0.4.4 1.7K #query-language #query #language #parser
  46. stak

    Stak Scheme interpreter

    v0.2.33 2.8K #scheme-interpreter #scheme #interpreter #language
  47. jsonic

    Fast, small JSON parsing library for rust with no dependencies

    v0.2.12 2.3K #json-parser #data #extract #language
  48. cfg

    manipulating context-free grammars

    v0.8.0 280 #context-free-grammar #grammar #language #parser
  49. rust-stemmers

    some popular snowball stemming algorithms

    v1.2.0 200K #nlp #stemming #information-retrieval #language #retrieval #english #information
  50. specr-transpile

    Converts Specr lang code to Rust

    v0.1.26 600 #specr #convert #language #enums #input #path #cargo
  51. polar-core

    Polar core library for oso, an open source policy engine for authorization that’s embedded in your application

    v0.27.3 16K #policy #authorization #oso #access-control #applications #language #rbac
  52. genco

    A whitespace-aware quasiquoter for beautiful code generation

    v0.17.8 31K #import #template #generation #code-generation #white-space #language #proc-macro
  53. cranelift-isle

    ISLE: Instruction Selection and Lowering Expressions. A domain-specific language for instruction selection in Cranelift.

    v0.106.2 420K #cranelift #instructions #rules #selection #isle #expressions #language
  54. web-rwkv

    RWKV language model in pure WebGPU

    v0.7.3 2.0K #language-model #model #language #rwkv #deep-learning
  55. three_body_lang

    Three Body Language written in Rust

    v0.6.0 170 #three #body #interpreter #language #go #wall #book
  56. pio

    Support for the Raspberry Silicon RP2040's PIO State Machines

    v0.2.1 14K #assembly #raspberry-pi-pico #rp2040 #state-machine #language #hardware #silicon
  57. liquid-core

    Core liquid functionality

    v0.26.4 79K #liquid #html-templating #template #templating #html #language #template-engine
  58. liquid-lib

    The liquid templating language for Rust

    v0.26.4 79K #liquid #templating #template-engine #template #html #language
  59. hyphenation

    Knuth-Liang hyphenation for a variety of languages

    v0.8.4 8.4K #typesetting #dictionary #language #pattern #utf-8 #standard #built
  60. isolang

    Efficient, static lookup table for ISO 639 language codes

    v2.4.0 12K #language #iso #lookup-tables #iso-639 #autonym #language-code
  61. sdml-cli

    Rust CLI for Simple Domain Modeling Language (SDML)

    v0.2.8 300 #sdml #command-line-interface #tree-sitter #language #modeling #domain #parser-generator
  62. hypher

    separates words into syllables

    v0.1.5 6.4K #syllable #hyphenation #language #words #pattern #byte #binary-data
  63. rustpython

    A python interpreter written in rust

    v0.3.1 110 #python #interpreter #cpython #jit-compiler #language #python-3 #install
  64. keyword_extraction

    Collection of algorithms for keyword extraction from text

    v1.3.1 220 #nlp #extract #algorithm #document #language #words #extracting
  65. diffsitter

    An AST based difftool for meaningful diffs

    v0.8.2 500 #tree-sitter #ast #diff #difference #source #language #syntax-tree
  66. jrsonnet

    Rust jsonnet implementation

    v0.5.0-pre95 1.1K #jsonnet #language #data #interpreter
  67. random_name_generator

    Random Name Generator

    v0.3.6 1.7K #random #name #syllable #language #generator #english #fantasy
  68. programinduction

    program induction and learning representations

    v0.9.0 #learning #context-free-grammar #genetic #bayesian #language #inference
  69. sbnf

    A BNF-style language for writing sublime-syntax files

    v0.6.4 110 #syntax #meta #scope #rules #definition #language #grammar
  70. didp-yaml

    YAML interface for Dynamic Programming Description Language (DyPDL) and DyPDL solvers

    v0.7.3 600 #yaml #dynamic-programming #solver #dy-pdl #modeling #interface #language
  71. polytype

    A Hindley-Milner polymorphic typing system

    v7.0.1 300 #type #language #unification #inference #typing
  72. rnix

    A Nix parser written in Rust

    v0.11.0 7.7K #nix #ast #parser #language #identifier #rename #formatting
  73. glsl-lang

    GLSL 4.6 language LALR parser and AST

    v0.5.2 300 #glsl #ast #language #lalr-parser #parser
  74. fpgrars

    Fast Pretty Good RISC-V Assembly Rendering System

    v2.4.0 110 #assembly #risc-v #display #keyboard-input #graphics #language #learn
  75. proto_core

    Core proto APIs

    v0.34.4 2.8K #version-manager #toolchain #next-generation #proto #pluggable #language #programming-language
  76. nickel-lang-lsp

    NLS: A language server for the Nickel configuration language

    v1.5.0 360 #nickel #configuration #configuration-language #language-server #nix #language #programming-language
  77. simple_config

    A config language for humans that is not self-describing

    v0.133.0 750 #string #config #self-describing #schema #deserialize #language #humans
  78. dypdl

    Libarary for Dynamic Programming Description Language (DyPDL)

    v0.7.3 550 #variables #dynamic-programming #modeling #table #model #language #element
  79. pest_vm

    pest grammar virtual machine

    v2.7.9 12K #pest #vm #pest-grammar #pest-parser #language #peg #projects
  80. langtag

    Language tags implementation following RFC 5646

    v0.4.0 6.9K #tags #language #rfc #parser
  81. sdl-parser

    The SDL parser is a Rust tool designed for parsing Scenario Defined Language files

    v0.21.0 360 #parser #sdl #open-cyber-range #defined #scenario #language #security
  82. mimalloc-rust

    the best binding for mimalloc in rust

    v0.2.1 30K #allocator #mi-malloc #binding #data #language #ever #newest
  83. embin

    Embed binary or text files into source code of a specific language

    v1.1.4 #embed #assets #deployment #language #xxd
  84. pokemon-rs

    getting Pokémon names

    v1.6.1 400 #pokemon #name #id #generation #pokémon #language #en
  85. libretranslate

    A wrapper for the LibreTranslate web API

    v0.5.2 380 #translation #translate #language #api-client
  86. stack-graphs

    Name binding for arbitrary programming languages

    v0.13.0 400 #stack #graph #name #language #programming-language #binding #analysis
  87. chromadb

    client library for the ChromaDB vector database

    v0.5.0 #vector-database #database-client #language #embedding #collection #similarity-search #chroma
  88. treefmt

    one CLI to format your repo

    v0.6.1 180 #formatting #formatter #config-file #projects #language #format #contributions
  89. cardpack

    Generic Deck of Cards

    v0.5.1 550 #card #deck #card-game #generic #language #short #sorting
  90. pax-manifest

    Definition container for an entire Pax cartridge

    v0.13.18 650 #pax #container #definition #user-interface #cartridge #language #apps
  91. glslt

    Template compiler library

    v0.7.2 #glsl #template #language #parser #syntax-tree
  92. icu_displaynames

    API to enable the translation of Language and Region display names

    v0.11.2 6.3K #display #region #name #localization #language #experimental #internationalization
  93. kubewarden-policy-sdk

    Kubewarden Policy SDK for the Rust language

    v0.10.0 3.7K #kubernetes #policy #sdk #kubewarden #language #policies #wasm
  94. roto

    strongly-typed, compiled language for Rotonda

    v0.2.0 #routing #bgp #routes #filter #language #strongly-typed #compiled
  95. scriptisto

    A language-agnostic "shebang interpreter" that enables you to write scripts in compiled languages

    v2.1.1 500 #script #language #preprocessor #compiled #scripting-language #build #interpreter
  96. ltp

    Language Technology Platform For Rust

    v0.1.9 #nlp #language #technology #machine-learning #platform #chinese-nlp #ner
  97. runfile

    Run commands in the languages you love!

    v0.1.1 #run-command #language #command-line #script #nix #nix-package #love
  98. clangql

    run SQL-like query on your C/C++ Abstract syntax tree

    v0.1.0 #language #file #git-ql #cli-file #cli #query-language
  99. trivet

    Parser Library

    v2.0.2 120 #recursive-descent #character #low-level #recursion #parser #language #stream
  100. flexar

    An extremely flexible lexer/parser (get it?) for writing your own programming language

    v1.2.6 500 #lexer #programming-language #lexical #languages #language #parser #parsing
  101. instant-segment

    Fast English word segmentation

    v0.11.0 300 #english-words #nlp #word #segmentation #instant #segment #language
  102. rythonc

    A command-line Python to Rust compiler, at this point, very incomplete

    v0.2.1 210 #python #compiler #ast #command-line #language #syntax-tree #abstract
  103. mun_target

    Describes compilation targets for Mun

    v0.4.0 200 #mun #hot-reloading #scripting #scripting-language #programming-language #language #game
  104. airlang

    The Air Programming Language

    v0.1.0 240 #specification-language #air #specification #logic #formal #language
  105. rattler_repodata_gateway

    interact with Conda repodata

    v0.19.6 4.3K #conda #package-management #rattler #ecosystem #environment #repodata #language
  106. rustls-ffi

    Rustls bindings for non-Rust languages

    v0.13.0 3.8K #rustls #language #bindings #tls #io #read #non-rust
  107. just-the-code

    A ripgrep preprocessor to remove comments and strings from code

    v1.0.0 #ripgrep #preprocessor #string #comments #search #language #remove
  108. k-lighter

    syntax highlighter for K language

    v1.0.4 #syntax-highlighter #language #style #foo #file #html #write
  109. demangle

    CLI tool for quickly demangling a symbol

    v0.1.2 380 #symbol #quickly #cli-tool #language #demangling #clap #powered
  110. numbat

    A statically typed programming language for scientific computations with first class support for physical dimensions and units

    v1.11.0 750 #units #physics #calculations #compiler #unit #language #calculation
  111. moto

    motivated automation

    v0.2.29 1.4K #automation #task #workflow #runtimes #language #within #text
  112. pyinrs

    type library that is as easy to use as Python built-in types

    v1.3.0 850 #python #type #fraction #deque #string #language #dict
  113. mun_abi

    Rust wrapper for the Mun ABI

    v0.4.0 280 #mun #hot-reloading #scripting #api-bindings #programming-language #scripting-language #language
  114. uiua

    A stack-based array programming language

    v0.10.3 950 #programming-language #array #stack #apl #language
  115. duckscript_cli

    The duckscript command line executable

    v0.9.3 5.8K #script #script-engine #command-line #language
  116. cenv-cli

    CLI-tool for generating a C/C++ project

    v0.1.2 430 #cc #generate #cli-tool #command #language
  117. rustc_lexer

    Rust lexer used by rustc. No stability guarantees are provided.

    v0.1.0 41K #compiler #lexer #language #programming-language #build #reliable #everyone
  118. recp

    A cli utility to display recipes in recipe-lang

    v0.4.3 #recipe #display #recipe-lang #cli #command-line-tool #utility #language
  119. mstak-interpret

    Minimal Stak Scheme bytecode interpreter

    v0.1.5 170 #scheme #interpreter #language
  120. free-duolingo-plus

    CLI tool to create dummy accounts with referral links to give yourself free Plus

    v1.0.10 170 #free #duolingo #language #account #plus #links #tool
  121. code-it-later-rs

    Filter crumbs you left in comments of code to remind where you were

    v0.8.1 140 #line-comment #comments #source #command-line #flags #language #left
  122. simpleml

    parser/writer for the Simple Markup Language format, as defined by Stenway. See https://dev.stenway.com/SML/. SML builds on top of WSV but allows hierarchical structuring of data.

    v1.0.1 310 #markup-language #config-file #markup #language #file-format #sml #simple
  123. badlang

    Next generation stack-based programming language

    v0.3.5 #programming-language #programming #functional-programming #language
  124. ra-ap-rustc_abi

    Automatically published version of the package rustc_abi in the rust-lang/rust repository from commit a3269e920cf2f246246d53c8e637570b183960c0 The publishing script for this crate lives at:…

    v0.48.0 35K #compiler #language #automatic #programming-language #package #reliable #repository
  125. terrars

    Terraform in Rust

    v0.1.12 330 #terraform #stack #infrastructure #cdk #generate #language #build
  126. numbat-cli

    A statically typed programming language for scientific computations with first class support for physical dimensions and units

    v1.11.0 370 #calculations #units #physics #compiler #language
  127. calx_vm

    Stack-based VM, with dynamic data, for experiment

    v0.2.0 #vm #cirru #preprocessor #calx #calcit #dynamic #language
  128. umpl

    meme language that is a mix of c like languages and lisp like languages

    v1.1.1 250 #programming-language #language #umpl-lang #lang
  129. serde-generate

    generate (de)serialization code in multiple languages

    v0.25.1 32K #serialization #deserialize #serde #language #programming-language #definition #generate
  130. vesper-lang

    Vesper: declarative human-readable structural language

    v0.1.0 4.0K #data #language #xml #multidimensional #representation #data-structures #human-readable
  131. stop-words

    Common stop words in many languages

    v0.8.0 1.0K #nlp #language #text #text-processing #languages #localization
  132. glossa

    A language localisation library

    v0.0.1-alpha.10 170 #language #localization #yaml #config-file #toml #different #ron
  133. dossier

    A multi-language source code and docstrings parser

    v0.0.4 #language #source #multi-language #documentation #parser #docstrings #multiple
  134. mun_paths

    convenience structures for handling relative- and absolute paths

    v0.4.0 250 #mun #hot-reloading #scripting #relative-path #language #game
  135. flipperzero

    Flipper Zero

    v0.11.0 #zero #flipper #applications #language #alloc #version
  136. garnish_lang_simple_data

    Data implementation for garnish runtimes using simple list of variants

    v0.0.8-alpha 650 #garnish #language #variant #scripting-language #run-time #list #embed
  137. celsium

    building interpreters

    v0.1.5 850 #stack #interpreters #bytecode #language #interpreter #vm
  138. csv-tools

    reading, creating and manipulating CSV files easily

    v1.1.1 390 #csv #parser #reading #manipulating #read #language #quote
  139. rust-persian-tools

    Official Rust implementation of Persian Tools

    v1.1.2 420 #persian #farsi #tool #iran #language #localization #languages
  140. pfile

    A cli wrapper around OpenAI to generate files/snippets in different languages that work for me

    v0.1.1 210 #openai #language #different #wrapper #generate #cli #files-snippets
  141. vcard

    A pure Rust implementation of vCard based on RFC 6350

    v0.4.13 460 #rfc-6350 #values #pure #text #language #date-time #parameters
  142. phonet

    A CLI tool and library to validate phonotactic patterns for constructed languages

    v1.0.2 #language #regex #cli-tool #phone #validation #conlang #phoner
  143. tan-language-server

    An LSP server for the Tan Language

    v0.12.0 #tan #lsp #ide #language-server #language
  144. grammers-tl-parser

    A parser for Type Language definitions

    v1.1.1 350 #telegram-api #definition #telegram #tl #parser #language #mt-proto
  145. lmntalc

    A compiler for the LMNtal language

    v0.12.0 500 #compiler #parse-tree #language #lm-ntal #compilation #analysis #hyper-lm-ntal
  146. dev-radars

    Render a radar plot of your tech stack and print LOC statistics

    v0.1.2 #loc #language #utilityl #object #cli #filesystem
  147. valkyrie-ast

    Strong typed abstract syntax tree of valkyrie language

    v0.1.12 360 #ast #syntax-tree #ast-node #valkyrie #ast-parser #node-tree #language
  148. hyphertool

    Hypertool is a command-line tool for syllabification and hyphenisation

    v0.2.0 #nlp #command-line-tool #language #hyphenation #syllable #syllabification #rules
  149. teo-parser

    Parser for Teo schema language

    v0.2.23 1.5K #schema #parser #language #teo
  150. wlambda

    embeddable scripting language for Rust

    v0.8.1 100 #scripting-language #embeddable #scripting #lisp #language #regex
  151. mun_syntax

    Parsing functionality for the Mun programming language

    v0.4.0 200 #mun #hot-reloading #programming-language #scripting #language #game
  152. ra-ap-rustc_pattern_analysis

    Automatically published version of the package rustc_pattern_analysis in the rust-lang/rust repository from commit a3269e920cf2f246246d53c8e637570b183960c0 The publishing script for this crate lives at:…

    v0.48.0 29K #compiler #repository #language #rustc-pattern-analysis #package #build #reliable
  153. eiffel

    language inspired guard clauses with Rust macros

    v0.0.4 #macro #language #programming #programming-language #invariants #checking #guard
  154. jrsonnet-stdlib

    jsonnet standard library packaged as crate

    v0.5.0-pre95 11K #jsonnet #standard #template-engine #jrsonnet #language #executable #templating
  155. sdml-generate

    Domain Modeling Language (SDML) generated Artifacts

    v0.2.11 380 #generator #generation #sdml #output #artifact #language #domain
  156. cooklang

    parser with opt-in extensions

    v0.13.2 460 #recipe #extension #cooking #unit #unit-conversion #language #parser
  157. ra-ap-rustc_parse_format

    Automatically published version of the package rustc_parse_format in the rust-lang/rust repository from commit a3269e920cf2f246246d53c8e637570b183960c0 The publishing script for this crate lives at:…

    v0.48.0 36K #compiler #repository #package #language #rustc-parse-format #version #build
  158. izihawa-tantivy-bitpacker

    Tantivy-sub crate: bitpacking

    v0.6.0 100 #full-text-search #search-engine #tantivy #bitpacking #lucene #apache #language
  159. turbofuro_worker

    Worker executable for Turbofuro

    v0.1.10 260 #visual-programming #visual #worker #language #web-apps #web
  160. tu

    CLI tool to get the UTC datetime for a given natural language time/date description

    v0.1.0 130 #date-time #nlp #utc #natural #cli-tool #language #convert
  161. sato

    some sort of s-expr based html templating system

    v0.1.10 #html-templating #s-expr #template-engine #system #sorting #language #basic
  162. icu_locale

    API for managing Unicode Language and Locale Identifiers

    v0.1.2 170 #identifier #unicode #localization #language #icu #locale #internationalization
  163. deeprl

    DeepL client library with all the things (blocking)

    v0.2.1 #translation #language #translate-text #text-translation #blocking-client #deep-l #http-client
  164. ra-ap-rustc_index

    Automatically published version of the package rustc_index in the rust-lang/rust repository from commit a3269e920cf2f246246d53c8e637570b183960c0 The publishing script for this crate lives at:…

    v0.48.0 38K #compiler #package #repository #language #build #reliable #everyone
  165. duckscript

    extendable and embeddable scripting language

    v0.8.0 28K #script #script-engine #language
  166. wadl

    parser for Rust

    v0.3.0 450 #web-apps #parser #description #language #generate #bindings #applications
  167. find-typos

    Find typos in your project

    v0.1.8 140 #language #typos #find #computer #projects #error #spelling
  168. mun_project

    convenience structures for Mun projects

    v0.4.0 160 #mun #hot-reloading #scripting #programming-language #language #statically-typed #game
  169. rattler_package_streaming

    Extract and stream of Conda package archives

    v0.20.3 3.9K #conda #archive #rattler #package-management #extract #ecosystem #language
  170. atelier_smithy

    Rust native Smithy language format for the AWS Smithy IDL

    v0.2.13 3.1K #aws-smithy #idl #model #selector #parser #language #native
  171. stak-vm

    VM for Stak Scheme

    v0.3.30 3.2K #scheme-interpreter #scheme #interpreter #language
  172. timelang

    A DSL (Domain Specific Language) and grammar for parsing and rendering human-readable date/time and duration values

    v0.1.3 #date-time #date #time-parser #time #dsl #language #parser
  173. jrsonnet-parser

    jsonnet language parser and AST

    v0.5.0-pre95 11K #jsonnet #ast #language #parser
  174. langlang

    parser generator based on Parsing Expression Grammars (tools)

    v0.1.2 #parser-generator #grammar #expression #recursion #language #error #white-space
  175. collaboflow-rs

    A Collaboflow REST API client for Rust language

    v0.0.13 #collaboflow #api-client #language #authorization #query #user #document
  176. dptran

    run DeepL translations on command line written by Rust

    v2.0.0 #api-key #command-line #translation #deep-l #language #curl #target
  177. licensesnip

    add license headers to your source code

    v1.6.0 450 #header #license #source #config-file #automatic #add #language
  178. tan-shell

    A shell powered by Tan

    v0.12.0 100 #tan #shell #language #cli
  179. js_int

    JavaScript-interoperable integer types

    v0.2.2 11K #integer #javascript #numbers #u64 #i64 #floating-point #language
  180. diplomat-runtime

    Common runtime utilities used by diplomat codegen

    v0.7.0 3.2K #codegen #run-time #ffi #utilities #diplomat #language #call
  181. piston_meta

    A DSL parsing library for human readable text documents

    v2.0.1 260 #human-readable #language-design #meta #language #metadata #piston #decoding
  182. whatyoumean

    A CLI dictionary

    v3.5.1 #dictionary #definition #language #command-line #command-line-tool #define
  183. strontium

    A register-based bytecode machine for statically and dynamically typed programming languages

    v0.6.0 #bytecode #programming-language #vm #statically-typed #p-code-machine #language
  184. phoenix-lang

    fast programming language

    v1.4.0 150 #programming-language #programming #phoenix #performance #simple #language #fast
  185. async_load

    Functionality to trigger GMS2 async events from Rust

    v1.0.3 #events #async #maker #studio #gms2 #gml #language
  186. gengo

    Get the language distribution stats of your repository

    v0.11.1 500 #language #repository #statistics #git-repository #file #file-source #language-statistics
  187. lmml

    LMML Music Macro Language

    v0.5.0 #music #language #macro
  188. stak-code

    Bytecode encoding/decoding for Stak Scheme

    v0.2.28 3.2K #scheme-interpreter #scheme #interpreter #language
  189. lol-core

    A Raft implementation in Rust language

    v0.9.5 400 #raft #failure #consensus-algorithm #detector #detection #grpc #language
  190. raylib-ffi

    Automatic raw Rust bindings to raylib

    v5.0.1 #raylib #graphics #bindings #automatic #wrapper #language #auto-generate
  191. zen-tmpl

    Zen Template Language

    v0.20.1 120 #node #rules #engine #nodejs #zen #business #language
  192. starlark_bin

    starlark binary

    v0.12.0 140 #starlark #interpreter #skylark #language
  193. qdk_sim_rs

    Rust-based simulators for use with the Quantum Development Kit

    v0.28.291394 #quantum-simulation #kit #language #process #programs #array #python
  194. codes-iso-3166

    This package contains an implementation of the ISO 3166 Country Codes specification

    v0.1.5 6.7K #country-code #codes #iso #numeric #language #independent #3166
  195. morph-rs

    Dictionary Morphologizer for Russian language

    v0.2.0 290 #dictionary #language #russian #morphologizer #в #py-morphy2 #для
  196. tortuga

    A Rust-based CGI-specific HTTP web server

    v0.7.2 270 #web-server #cgi #endianness #wasm #actor-model #language #programs
  197. proto_pdk_test_utils

    testing proto WASM plugins

    v0.21.1 700 #wasm-plugin #testing #proto #version #toolchain #pluggable #language
  198. lang-util

    implementing parsers and ASTs using lalrpop and Logos

    v0.5.2 800 #ast #language #syntax-tree #ast-node #error-reporting #parser #lalr-parser
  199. date_time_parser

    Rust NLP library for parsing English natural language into dates and times

    v0.2.0 2.6K #nlp #date-time #english #time-parser #language #events #natural
  200. betadin

    programing language for research purposes

    v0.2.0 #lexer #compiler #intersepter #language #parser
  201. tan


    v0.12.0 120 #language #functional #lisp
  202. ndata

    Thread-safe, self-owned JSON-like data with manual garbage collection

    v0.3.10 600 #garbage-collection #thread-safe #memory-management #data #data-structures #manual #language
  203. do-with-in

    A template language for Rust metaprogramming using partial staging

    v0.1.5 100 #meta-programming #template-engine #generation #variables #handlers #language #compile-time
  204. stak-compile

    Stak Scheme bytecode compiler

    v0.1.33 1.3K #scheme #interpreter #language
  205. rune-cli

    An interpreter for the Rune Language, an embeddable dynamic programming language for Rust

    v0.13.2 200 #scripting #dynamic-programming #scripting-language #language
  206. pact-cli

    P.A.C.T. - Project Automation, Configuration, and Terminal Multiplexing

    v0.1.0 #automation #multiplexing #configuration #language #tmux #py #tmux-session
  207. hvm1

    A massively parallel functional runtime

    v1.0.14 #run-time #functional #language #compiler #target #runtime #lambda-calculus
  208. fexpr

    filter query language parser so that you can build SQL, Elasticsearch, etc. queries safely from user input.

    v0.1.1 #query-language #query-parser #language #string #user-input #parser #sql-query
  209. toffee

    Get command to run to run specific test in a file

    v0.5.2 #run #command #testing #language #file #shell #test-files
  210. unic-langid-macros

    API for managing Unicode Language Identifiers

    v0.9.4 109K #identifier #unicode #language #macro #locale #api #unic
  211. rune-languageserver

    A language server for the Rune Language, an embeddable dynamic programming language for Rust

    v0.13.2 400 #dynamic-programming #scripting-language #scripting #language
  212. vkapi2

    vk api wrapper for rust

    v0.3.9 #api #api-bindings #vkontakte #vkapi #vkontakteapi #vk #language
  213. stak-primitive

    Stak primitives

    v0.2.30 3.1K #scheme-interpreter #scheme #interpreter #language
  214. stak-interpret

    Stak Scheme bytecode interpreter

    v0.1.31 1.4K #scheme-interpreter #scheme #interpreter #language
  215. airlang_bin

    The Air Programming Language

    v0.1.0 200 #air #logic #specification #specification-language #language #formal
  216. confiner

    A config language for things that look like trees

    v0.2.1 230 #tree #language #config #path #enums #tree-like #block
  217. stak-decode

    Stak Scheme bytecode decoder

    v0.1.34 1.4K #scheme #interpreter #language
  218. pjcr

    creating projects from templates

    v0.4.0 #template #command-line-tool #projects #creator #command-arguments #language #lot
  219. stak-device

    Devices for Stak Scheme

    v0.2.29 3.1K #scheme-interpreter #scheme #interpreter #language
  220. radarr-api-rs

    Rust API wrapper for Radarr

    v3.0.1 #api-client #api-wrapper #api-version #radarr #server-api #language #api-bindings
  221. mun

    Command-line interface for compiling, monitoring and running Mun code

    v0.4.0 #hot-reloading #scripting #command-line-interface #programming-language #statically-typed #language #game
  222. monorepo-dependabot-config

    generate Dependabot configuration for a monorepo with multiple languages

    v0.1.2 #monorepo #configuration #dependabot #generate #language #multiple #detector
  223. brainfoamkit

    An interpreter for the brainf*** language

    v1.0.0 160 #language #tui #terminal-based #addition
  224. pddl-parser

    parsing PDDL files

    v0.2.3 #planning #parser #language #pddl #token
  225. summarize

    CLI tool to summarize audio/video files

    v0.2.0 100 #openai #chatgpt #text #command-line-tool #whisper #language #audio-video
  226. oxsdatatypes

    some XSD datatypes for SPARQL implementations

    v0.2.0-alpha.1 850 #xml-schema #datatype #sparql #xsd #xpath #schema-definition #language
  227. Try searching with DuckDuckGo.

  228. openrr

    Open Rust Robotics framework

    v0.1.0 #robotics #robot #framework #arci #language #linux #format
  229. melody_cli

    A CLI wrapping the Melody language compiler

    v0.19.0 270 #melody #melodylang #language #cli #regex #input-file #file-path
  230. minos

    Authorization library

    v0.9.0-rc.1 190 #authorization #rules #language #environment #parser #definition #engine
  231. pepegsitter

    Collection of Tree-Sitter parsers

    v0.2.2 #tree-sitter #language #parsing #collection #single #included #query
  232. slothlang

    A weird, slow and a bit moldy interpreted programming language

    v1.4.0 320 #programming-language #interpreter #operator-overloading #sloth #language #error-management
  233. ascent_base

    support library for the ascent package

    v0.6.0 750 #logic-programming #ascent #macro #lattice #datalog #package #language
  234. silt-lua

    A pure rust Lua interpreter and virtual machine

    v0.1.1 #lua-script #lua #vm #interpreter #language #script #programming-language
  235. ellie_core

    Core modules for ellie

    v0.7.2 190 #ellie #language #module #sandboxed #environments #embedded #type-safe
  236. quoth

    scannerless (no-lexing), developer-friendly parsing library for implementing DSLs and syntax parsers in Rust

    v0.1.6 900 #parser #language #dsl #parsing
  237. cyclang

    toy language built in LLVM

    v0.1.18 #llvm #programming-language #pest #wasm #language
  238. proto_pdk

    A plugin development kit for creating proto WASM plugins

    v0.17.7 500 #wasm-plugin #kit #proto #toolchain #language #next-generation #version
  239. tree-sitter-stack-graphs

    Create stack graphs using tree-sitter parsers

    v0.8.1 250 #tree-sitter #graph #stack #parser #grammar #language #command-line
  240. glslt_cli

    GLSLT Template compiler library

    v0.7.2 #templating-language #glsl #template #language #glslt #parser
  241. isosphere

    ISO standard data types, helpers, and related utilities

    v0.1.1 200 #iso #language #codes #country #currency #helper #localization
  242. lmml-cli

    CLI tool for LMML

    v0.5.0 110 #music #lmml #language #command-line-tool #macro
  243. weresocool_error

    Errors for WereSoCool

    v1.0.47 350 #error #music #language #sound #composition #cool #sounds
  244. swlang

    configuration language written in Rust

    v0.0.11 #toml #io #performative #language
  245. mfmt

    Meta formatter library

    v0.3.9 550 #language #format #formatter #programming-language #meta #styling #configuration-free
  246. kitten

    light bdd framework for Rust and for those who don't like cucumber - cats don't like cucumbers, kittens are light cats

    v0.5.0 #bdd #framework #don-t #light #test-framework #language #cucumber
  247. ungoliant

    The pipeline for the OSCAR corpus

    v2.0.0 #nlp #language #pipeline #corpus #generation #common-crawl #generating
  248. wordnet-ls

    explore language as you write, where you write

    v0.1.0 #write #explore #language #wordnet #word-net

Search for: language parser, …programming, …programming-language, …nlp, …compiler, …scripting, …interpreter, …localization, …definition, …translation