#zeromq #file-transfer #sockets #server #api

yanked zfilexfer

File transfer over ZMQ sockets

Uses old Rust 2015

0.0.2 Dec 11, 2016

#43 in #zeromq

Used in intecture-api

MPL-2.0 license


ZFileXfer Build Status Coverage Status

ZFileXfer provides an API for sending files from a client to a server, via ZeroMQ sockets.

This project is a work in progress.

What about FileMQ?

FileMQ has slightly different goals to ZFileXfer (catchy name, huh?). FileMQ publishes a set of files from a server to multiple clients (ala Dropbox, iCloud Docs et. al.). ZFileXfer (seriously though, I'll change the name) focuses on distributing files from disparate clients to a central server.


~39K SLoC